



CheatCC: 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker Cheats, Codes, Guides, Walkthroughs, and Cheat Codes – Dreamcast

CheatCC: 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker Cheats, Codes, Guides, Walkthroughs, and Cheat Codes – Dreamcast

18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker

Cheat mode

At the main menu, hold L and press A, Y, X, B, Left, Start to unlock all trucks, all tracks, and disable the timer.

Bonus parking levels

Successfully complete each of the four parking levels to unlock an additional parking level. Successfully complete the bonus parking level to unlock a sixth parking level.

Play as Nihonmaru

Successfully complete arcade mode with all four characters to unlock Nihonmaru.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code First (Must Be On) [Note 1] 9C5D88F8
Master Code Last (Must Be On) [Note 2] 245EECA9
Max Money 6A8C7632

Note 1: This code must be the first code in the list of Game Shark codes entered for this game.

Note 2: This code must be the last code in the list of Game Shark codes entered for this game. If more codes are entered after this code, then this code must be deleted and moved to the bottom of the list of Game Shark codes for this game again.

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