If you haven’t heard of Hatred, well, this might shock you. It’s a game about killing people for the sake of killing people. It isn’t like Postal, where it’s kind of a farce, Manhunt, where it’s a fight for survival, or GTA V, where it’s a product of crime. No, Hatred is a game where you kill people for the glee of killing them. Your victims scream in horror, begging you not to slaughter them, but you do so anyway. In a sense, Hatred is the closest thing we have to an actual murder simulator.
The game’s creators know this. They practically revel in it. They taunted “haters” when their trailer came out, welcoming the spite and anger of the gaming world.
The game went on up Steam Greenlight and did get thousands of responses in support of it. But recently, Steam has taken it down from the service. Why? Well, the answer was simple. Valve simply said, based on what they have seen of the game so far, it would not be a game that Valve would want to publish on Steam. They are, of course, fully within their rights to do such a thing, especially if a game doesn’t feel like it’s on-brand for the Steam name. Not only that, but one of Steam Greenlight’s rules is that games on Greenlight cannot contain offensive material, and Steam is the sole determiner on what offensive means.
Still there are people who think that Steam shouldn’t have taken the game off its service. What do you think? Should Hatred still be allowed on Steam, or were they right to take it down?
Source: Steam