Cruise Ship Tycoon Extra money and any ship
Select career mode, highlight a ship but do not buy it. Select a course, then select “View Competitors”. Exit the “View Competitors” screen. Select “Set Sail” and you will have the ship that was selected with $100,000.
Cheat mode select
While playing the game, type one of the following codes to activate the desired level of cheating or debugging:
Result | Cheat Code |
Enable cheat mode only | IAmACheater |
Enable game debug mode only | GameDebug |
Enable engine debug mode only | EngineDebug |
Enable cheat mode and all debug modes | CatDebug |
Toggle movie capture | MovieCapture |
Cheat Codes
After cheat mode is enabled, enter one of the following codes while playing the game to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Money | Ctrl + [Shift] + * |
Toggle wireframe view, more money | Ctrl + [Shift] + [F11] |
Change weather temporarily | Ctrl + [Shift] + K |
Toggle cull view | Ctrl + [Shift] + [F8] |
Wireframe objects | Ctrl + [Shift] + [F9] |
Wireframe objects | Ctrl + [Shift] + [F10] |
No fuel | Ctrl + 5 |
Collide with iceberg | Ctrl + 6 |
Collide with rocks | Ctrl + 7 |
Lost at sea | Ctrl + 8 |
Seamonster attack | Ctrl + 9 |
Run aground | Ctrl + 0 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.