Cyberpunk 2077 Infinite money
To farm money with crafting, unlock the following basic perks:
Advanced Datamine: Level 1 – Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of eurodollars acquired from Access Points by 50%.
Mechanic: Level 1 – Gain more components when disassembling.
Workshop: Level 1 – Disassembling items grants a 5% chance to gain a free component of the same quality as the disassembled item.
That last perk is not required, but it helps when crafting. Access Points are a great way to farm for free components — so you might as well earn +50% money each time you loot. Next, travel to a soda machine. There are many in your building. Simply buy lots of NiCola and other drinks —- make sure they cost 10 from the vending machine. Disassemble the junk you purchased from the vending machine to get six Common Components and 3 Uncommon Components. Then, sell the components at any vendor. Common Components sell for 5 each, and uncommon sell for 8 each. For a 10 investment, you will get 54, giving a 44 profit for each soda you purchase. Buy 50 NiCola for 500, then disassemble all of them and sell the components to earn 2,520 per machine. You can only purchase 50 in each machine, but if you find multiple machines in a row (like in your apartment building), you can easily buy 100, 150, or 200 to maximize your profits and earn 10,000+. Unlock the Scrapper perk to make this easier. These machines are literally all over the city. Just purchase as many sodas as possible, collect everything, and sell the scrap for huge profits.
Johnny Silverhand’s weapon
The Malorian Arms 3516 is a very powerful and unique pistol. The gun shoots explosive rounds and fires a flamethrower attack when using the melee function. The Malorian Arms 3516 is given by Grayson for completing the “Chippin’ In” side-job, which is unlocked after completing the “Tapeworm” side-job, which involves completing multiple other missions. Successfully complete the “Automatic Love”, “Transmission”, “Life During Wartime”, and “Search And Destroy” missions. Talk to Johnny Silverhand after each of these major missions. Once you complete these missions, you will be near the end-game. Return to the Afterlife bar, and talk to Rogue to start the “Chippin’ In” major side-job. Complete it to unlock Johnny Silverhand’s powerful weapon.
Johnny Silverhand’s costume
To get each part of Johnny Silverhand’s outfit, complete the following tasks.
Johnny’s Aviators: This is automatically collected during the “Chippin’ In” side-job. The side-job is unlocked after completing the “Automatic Love”, “Transmission”, “Life During Wartime”, and “Search And Destroy” missions. When those missions are completed, the “Chippin’ In” side-job will appear at the Afterlife bar.
Johnny’s Shirt: This is automatically collected after completing the “Tapeworm” side-job. The “Tapeworm” side-job is four simple conversations with Johnny Silverhand. Successfully complete the “Automatic Love”, “Transmission”, “Life During Wartime”, and “Search And Destroy” missions to finish the “Tapeworm” side-job.
Johnny’s Pants: During the “Psychofan” side-job, search the bedroom for pink luggage to find the pants. The “Psychofan” side-job can be found in Vista Del Rey.
Johnny’s Shoes: During the “Family Heirloom” side-job, search the objective locker to find the shoes. The “Family Heirloom” side-job can be found in Charter Hill.
Free Legendary Monowire
The Legendary Monowire is found in Watson, Kabuki, near the east waterfront. Locate the alley with an NCPD “Assault In Progress” next to the “Shark In The Water” gig. Proceed down the alley with a “Hotel” sign on the corner. At the back end is a series of garages with a “Pharmaceuticals” store on the corner. The area is patrolled by the Animals Gang. You can clear them out or sneak past them. To the left is a “Technologies” sign. To the left of that is a closed garage you can open. Open it and search the chest to obtain 3,000 eurodollars and the Legendary Monowire, which contains the following stats:
- 235-287 Damage
- 20% Bleeding Chance
- The Monowire charges when equipped but not used in combat. Attacks with a charged wire deal bonus damage based on the charge level. Charge level and bonus damage dealt decline with each attack.
- Monowire deals Physical damage. Deals a high amount of concentrated damage and can instantly dismember an enemy with one quick shot.
The Monowire is a powerful ranged melee weapon that needs to be charged between uses. Go to a Ripperdoc to install the Monowire on your Arms slot for free.
Free Legendary Mantis Blades
In Act 2, you can access all areas of the game. Go to City Center, Corpo Plaza, and check the northwest corner to get the “Cyberpsycho Sighting: Phantom Of Night City” quest from a fixer call. The Cyberpsycho is very difficult early in the game, but you do not have to fight them. Enter the alley and open the loot chest on the right (chest is marked with a “!”) to get the Mantis Blades. Note: The chest also contains a Sandevistan: Tyger Paw cyberware mod that gives +15% stamina after defeating an enemy. Go to a Ripperdoc to install the Mantis Blades for free. You will now look like that blade-armed lady from the original trailer. These Legendary Mantis Blades are free (other types are expensive), do not require high street cred, and they are more powerful than any of the types you can buy at Ripperdoc. They contain the following stats:
- 119-146 Damage
- +64078 Physical Damage
- 2 Attack Speed
- +20% Bleeding Chance
The Mantis Blades are a powerful melee weapon that replace your fists. You can switch between fists/Mantis Blades by opening the weapon wheel and hovering over the fists/Mantis Blades. Follow the prompts to cycle between each.
Free Rayfield Caliburn
The Rayfield Caliburn is the fastest vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077 , containing 1660 horsepower. It can be obtain for free after completing the “Ghost Town” main job with Panam in the Badlands. If you do not get it during (or immediately after) this quest, you will have to buy it Downtown for 157,000 eurobucks, and it only becomes available once you reach Street Cred Level 40. Unlocking it for free is much easier and cheaper. Simply join Panam for her raid against Nash and the boys in the cave system west of Rocky Ridge. After completing the “Ghost Town” quest, return to the cave and drive down the passage to get a Hidden Gem marker. Go to the cave entrance just over the hill to the north of the Sunset Motel, at the following location . Then, open the shipping container to obtain the car. This car will make future races much easier. Just remember to keep checking after completing the “Ghost Town” quest. It may not appear during your playthrough — so keep returning between jobs. The car also contains a Batman Easter Egg involving a character named Murk Man. Read the shard in the room. The cave resembles the Batcave, and Murk Man also lost his parents.
All iconic weapons
Successfully complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding iconic weapon.
Iconic Revolvers
Amnesty (Overture): During the “We Gotta Live Together” main job, find Cassidy in the corner of the Nomad camp and complete the shooting challenge. This revolver has increased damage and improved weapon handling.
Archangel (Overture): Successfully complete Kerry Eurodyne’s “Off The Leash” side-job. This revolver has low recoil and electricity damage with chance to stun.
Comrade’s Hammer (RT-47 Burya): In Santa Domingo, Arroyo, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of an Arroyo Organized Crime Activity hustle. This revolver can shoot through walls and deals high Thermal Damage.
Crash (Overture): Successfully complete River Ward’s final side-job called “Following The River”. ADS (aim-down-sights) and charging cause this revolve to fire full-auto with reduced bullet spread and recoil.
Doom Doom (DR5 Nova): This is only available if you complete “The Pickup” without killing Dum Dum. Later, you can collect this weapon off of Dum Dum in the “Second Conflict” side-job. This revolver shoots x4 bullets per trigger pull. It has high damage, rate of fire, and dismemberment chance —- but low accuracy and high recoil.
Iconic Pistols
Apparition (JKE-X2 Kenshin): It is found on Frank’s body during the “War Pig” side-job. This pistol becomes more powerful when your health is low. Charged shots deal x2 damage.
Chaos (JKE-X2 Kenshin): It is dropped by Royce in “The Pickup” main job in Act 1. Collect it after the Royce boss battle. This pistol has a randomized critical and status effect after each reload.
Dying Night (M-10AF Lexington): At the start of the game, you will get a call telling you to check the 2nd Amendment store. You can get the gun for free. This pistol has fast reload, +50% headshot damage.
Genjiroh (HJKE-11 Yukimura): During the “Play It Safe” main job, look behind a locked door to the right of the elevator when approaching the second sniper nest. This pistol has a high magazine size and shoots x4 bullets per trigger pull. It can target x6 enemies simultaneously with increased projectile speed. It also deals Electricity damage with a chance to shock.
Kongou (Liberty): During the “The Heist” main job, you will enter Yorinobu’s hotel room. While you are inside, look on the nightstand to the right of the bed to find Kongou. This pistol has a reduced clip size, lower recoil, and increased firing rate.
La Chingona Dorada (Nue): At the end of Act 1, choose to send Jackie back to his family to unlock the “Heroes” side-job. Successfully complete that side-job. You can then find this weapon on the memorial in the Cojo Coyote. This pistol has a fast reload and extra mod slot. It also has a higher chance to apply Burn and Stun.
Lizzie (Omaha): In Act 1 (and later missions). you will need to visit Judy in Lizzie’s Bar. Check the basement just outside the server room to find Lizzie. This pistol fires +1 bullets per trigger pull. Charging fires more bullets.
Plan B (Liberty): Return to the scrapyard after Act 1 and loot Dex’s body to find Plan B. This pistol uses Eurodollars as ammo instead of bullets. Each shot can apply Bleed status.
Pride (Liberty): It is found after the death scene, next to the body, after your encounter with Adam Smasher in “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”. This pistol has high headshot damage and improved crit chance.
Second Opinion (Nue): During the “Automatic Love” main job, Second Opinion can be found in Maiko’s Office, next to Woodman’s. This pistol shoots +1 bullets per trigger pull. It deals Electricity damage with a chance to shock.
Iconic Assault Rifles
Divided We Stand (D5 Sidewinder): Successfully complete the “Stadium Love” side-job in Coronado Rancho and win the shooting competition. This special smart assault rifle can simultaneously target five different enemies.
Moron Labe (M251s Ajax): On the southwest edge of Pacifica (West Wind Estate), obtain the crafting recipe from the body of an Organized Crime Activity leader. This assault rifle has a high fire rate and chance for dismemberment.
Prejudice (HJSH-18 Masamune): It is found behind the Afterlife bar during the “For Whom The Bell Tolls” main job. This assault rifle has piercing bullets.
Psalm 11:6 (D5 Copperhead): In Watson, Northside, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of the Organized Crime Hustle. This assault rifle has a thermal effect that can apply Burn.
Iconic Precision Rifles
Widow Maker (M-179 Achilles): During the “Ghost Town” main mission with Panam, agree to help her kill Nash after reacquiring her vehicle. This precision rifle fires two shots per trigger pull. It also deals Chemical damage and can apply Poison. Charged shots are more powerful.
Iconic Sniper Rifles
Breakthrough (Nekomata): In southern Rancho Coronado, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of the Organized Crime Activity hustle. This sniper rifle’s projectiles both ricochet and pierce.
O’Five (SPT32 Grad): It is found during the “Beat On The Brat: Champion Of Arroyo” side-job. This sniper rifle fires explosive bullets.
Overwatch (SPT32 Grad): Successfully complete Panam’s “Riders On The Storm” side-job. This is a silenced sniper rifle with fast reload.
Iconic Shotguns
Ba Xing Chong (L-69 Zhuo): During the “Nocturne Op55n1” main job (you must complete the “Chippin’ In” side-job to access it), obtain the recipe from Adam Smasher’s vault. This shotgun fires explosive pellets with high dismemberment chance.
Mox (Carnage): Successfully complete Judy’s side-jobs, including “Pyramid Song” to be able to collect Mox from Judy’s apartment. This shotgun has slow reload but tight spread while aiming.
The Headsman (M2038 Tactician): In the northeast of North Oak, obtain the crafting recipe from the mech in the Organized Crime Activity hustle. This shotgun has a high pellet count per shot and fast reload.
Iconic Double-Barreled Shotguns
Sovereign (DB-4 Igla): In Japantown, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of an Organized Crime Activity hustle. This double-barreled shotguns fires both shells at the same time, with faster reload time and improved accuracy.
Iconic SMGs
Buzzsaw (DS1 Pulsar): In Watson, Northside, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of the Organized Crime Activity hustle. This tech SMG fires piercing bullets.
Fenrir (M221 Saratoga): In Watson, Northside, talk to the monk looking for help near the docks market to unlock the “Losing My Religion” side-job —- the Fenrir is near the hostage. Successfully complete this side-job to get Fenrir. This powerful SMG has a tight bullet spread and thermal damage with a chance to apply Burn.
Problem Solver (M221 Saratoga): It is dropped by the Wraith leader in Panam’s “Riders On The Storm” side-job —- this mission becomes available after completing her main job. This SMG has a high magazine capacity, ammo count, and fire rate.
Prototype Shingen: Mark V (TKI-20 Shingen): During the “Gimme Danger” main job, you will pass through a series of shipping containers. Locate an open container with a mine to find Prototype Shingen inside. This special smart SMG fires explosive rounds. It can also target three different enemies simultaneously.
Skippy (TKI-20 Shingen): It is found on the ground in the southwest “?” gig marker in Heywood, Vista Del Rey. This SMG talks.
Yinglong (G-58 Diang): In Wellsprings, obtain the crafting recipe from the leader of an Organized Crime Activity hustle in the area.
Iconic Blades
Cocktail Stick (Katana): It is found in the backroom of the Clouds club during the “Automatic Love” main job. This katana is very powerful.
Jinchu-maru (Katana): During the “Play It Safe” main job, Oda Takemura drops it. This katana’s final combo attack deals double damage —- or quadruple damage if you have lower HP than your opponent.
Satori (Katana): During “The Heist” main job, once you enter Yorinobu’s penthouse hotel room, go up the stairs to the helipad and loot the chopper. This katana has a high crit damage multiplier.
Scalpel (Knife): In Act 2, talk to the NPC across from Rogue in the Afterlife bar to start the “Big In Japan” side-job. Complete it to find Scalpel on the blue barrel. This knife deals Electricity damage, +50% crit damage, and bonus to apply bleeding.
Stinger (Knife): Successfully complete Panam’s “Riders On The Storm” side-job. You will then get contacted by Mitch for another side-job called “I’ll Fly Away”. Complete the mission to get the Stinger. This knife deals high Chemical damage with a chance to apply Poison.
Tsumetogi (Katana): During Judy’s “Pisces” side-job, grab Tsumetogi from the meeting room table, or off the leader’s body. This katana increases the player’s Electrical Resistance, and deals increased Electricity damage.
Iconic Blunt Weapons
Cottonmouth (Electric Baton Gamma): During “The Space Between” main mission, you will visit Fingers’ Ripperdoc Clinic. Cottonmouth is on the bed in his room. This baton deals both Chemical and Electricity damage.
Gold-Plated Baseball Bat (Baseball Bat): During the “Second Conflict” side-job in Denny’s home, look near the pool. This bat has a high chance to apply Bleed status.
Sir John Phallustiff (Electric Baton Gamma): This joke weapon is found after agreeing to sleep with Meredith Stout in the “Venus In Furs” side-job. To get this cutscene, you need to agree to use the Militech card on “The Pickup” Maelstrom job. This baton looks like a dildo.
Tinker Bell (Electric Baton Gamma): During the River Ward “The Hunt” side-job, complete the optional objective to shut down the compound security measures. Tinker Bell is found in the security room. This baton has a high chance to stun with power attacks.
Iconic Two-Handed Clubs
The Caretaker’s CyberSpade (Two-Handed Hammer): During the “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” main job, it can be found in the conference room. This hammer has improved damage.
Other Iconic Weapons
Malorian Arms 3516 (Unique Gun): Special weapon found during the side-job “Chippin’ In” which becomes available in Act 3. This is Johnny Silverhand’s unique pistol.
Ozob’s Nose (Frag Grenade): Weird grenade found during the side-job “Send In The Clowns”. This is a high damage grenade.
Hints, tips, tricks, and secrets
Save Skill Points: Do not use your skill/attribute points immediately after earning them. Sometimes you will encounter mission objectives that require a technical skill check to overcome —- like a locked door. In conversations, you can also do certain things if your skills/attributes are high enough. You can pause the game in the middle of a conversation to upgrade those skills and pass the checks.
Earn Extra Skill Points By Doing Everything: Do not focus on just one weapon or playstyle. Frequently change playstyles. Grab a shotgun in a level. Use stealth takedowns. Hack everything and start crafting in the menu from the start. You can sprint everywhere instead of driving to earn Athletic XP. By doing all this, you will earn skill points to use on anything, not just the skills you earned them from.
Inflict Extra Damage With Headshot Skills: Sniper rifles and pistols have a special skills that allow you to inflict substantially more damage with headshots. Combine that with a silenced weapon skill that increases damage even more for a deadly stealth headshot build.
Quickhack Everything: You gain XP every time you hack something in the environment. Use all available ram whenever possible to get more XP while exploring or fighting —- earning extra hack XP will provide more skill points. It is recommended to get in the habit of opening your hack scanner anyway since you can find bounties, access points, and more with quickhacks.
Hack Access Points For Easy Money And Crafting Components: Access Points are found basically everywhere in the environment. If you see cameras or objects connected to a network, use Ping to easily find Access Points —- or just scan and find them nearby. Make sure to complete as many of the reward conditions as possible. Additionally, hacking an Access Point leads to a short mini-game where you need to connect numbers in a series —- the numbers need to be on the same row/column. The more of the numbers you connect correctly, the more rewards you receive.
Avoid Using Fast Travel: If you only fast travel, you will miss out on conversations for calls and texts on your phone. Usually these are for nearby missions (gigs) marked with a yellow “?” on the map. Complete as many of these as possible to earn extra money.
Loot Most Things: Do not just take the loot you need and leave the rest. Check bodies after a gunfight and grab weapons, as you can dismantle them for crafting parts. Use scan to find items that are junk specifically made for selling —- sometimes you will find something rare and very valuable. You need a lot of money — so grab all the weapons and open all the boxes. However, you do not need to grab random junk.
Do Not Rush Through Act 1: At the start of Act 2, you need to buy a new vehicle. If you do not have enough money, you will have to walk around Night City. Take your time and complete many hustles and gigs to get extra money before attempting “The Heist” mission.
Quickly Buy A New Cyberdeck: The starting Cyberdeck is worthless because it cannot be upgraded. You will not notice this in the early game, but quickhacking can be a very useful tool, especially if you want to sneak.
Get A Level 20 Sniper Rifle At The Start: You can find a very powerful sniper rifle at the start of the game. On “The Ripperdoc” beginner quest, you will enter the neighborhood with Jackie. Enter the Esoterica shop, but stop in the alley before taking the stairs down to the Ripperdoc. To the left is a path to an elevator. Follow it to the rooftops and check the chest near the ledge to find a Level 20 SPT32 Grad Sniper Rifle. It does 694-848 damage. Its full potential is unlocked at Body 6. It sells for 642.
Alternate endings
Depending on your relationships and choices, you can get up to four different epilogue endings in Cyberpunk 2077 . Your ending is mainly determined by several choices you make after the Point Of No Return. To unlock certain options, complete side-job questlines for major characters. These can be completed at any time and in any order. You can find these jobs under the major side-jobs journal tab.
Corpo ending: During the “Nocturne OP55N1” main job, you will choose who you rely on during the conversation with Misty. Select “Hanako” as the person you will rely on. You can choose to join the Arasaka Program or return.
Panam ending: During the “Nocturne OP55N1” main job, you will choose who you rely on during the conversation with Misty. Select “Panam” as the person you will rely on. Panam will only be available as an option if you complete the “Queen Of The Highway” side-job. Choose to enter the well on the Mikoshi.
Johnny ending: During the “Nocturne OP55N1” main job, you will choose who you rely on during the conversation with Misty. Select “Rogue” as the person you will rely on. Rogue will only be available as an option if you complete the “Blistering Love” side-job. Choose to cross the bridge with Alt on the Mikoshi.
Secret ending: During the “Nocturne OP55N1” main job, you will choose who you rely on during the conversation with Misty. Do not say anything. If you do not reply for several minutes, you will gain a new option to raid Arasaka Tower solo. This will only appear if you have at least 70% friendship with Johnny. This is a permadeath mode. If you die, you lose and have to restart the mission. This is the hardest optional mission in the game, but it is a completely new final mission.
Bad ending
During the “Nocturne Op55N1” main mission (final story mission), Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony, you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Select the following dialogues: “Could also just put all this to rest” – “[Toss Pills] I know, exactly what we’re gonna do” to get the worst ending in Cyberpunk 2077 .
The Devil ending
To get The Devil ending in Cyberpunk 2077 , complete the following tasks:
1. During the “Search And Destroy” main mission, you must save Takemura. It is the mission after “Play It Safe” and just before the final story mission. This is a very easy to miss because there is no objective for it and no indication that Takemura can be saved at all. You will enter a building, knock on the door four times, talk to Takemura and Hanako. After that the police storm the building and you get separated from Takemura. Some enemies will now spawn in the building. Instead of following the objective out of the building, you have to turn left at the first possible point and crouch under some debris, then go upstairs to find Takemura in a room with enemies. Defeat the enemies and escort Takemura out of the building. In the cutscene when leaping out of the building’s exit door, Takemura must appear to confirm you can get “The Devil” trophy. While it is still possible to get “The Devil” ending, if you allow Takemura behind to die, it only unlocks this trophy if he is alive. Goro Takemura will then appear during the Epilogue. If Takemura was not saved, then Hellman can appear in the Epilogue instead.
2. During “Nocturne Op55N1” (final story mission), Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony, you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Select the following dialogues: “Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it” — “Take Omega Blockers”. This will lead to the “Last Caress” — “Totalimmortal” — “Where is My Mind?” ending missions.
3. During the “Where Is My Mind?”, you have two sub-endings. You will be in a space station after doctors perform a procedure on you. Just go through the daily routine until Hellman comes into your room. He offers you a contract and there are two choices that decide the ending: “[Sign Contract] I want to live” — “[Refuse to Sign] I’m going back to Earth”. If you sign, you agree to have your mind virtually archived. If you do not sign, you will get to leave the space station and return to earth but will die within a few months from your head injuries. After talking to Yorinobu and entering the elevator, you will get “The Devil” trophy. Note: “The Devil” trophy refers to the Rubik’s Cube you break open in a cutscene and it contains the picture of a screaming devil inside).
The Star ending (best ending)
To get The Star ending in Cyberpunk 2077 , complete the following tasks:
- Riders On The Storm (progress through the story for it to automatically be added to your quest log).
- With A Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest, you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
- Queen Of The Highway (starts automatically after completing the previous quest; must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
1. Successfully complete Panam’s side questline to forge an alliance with the Aldecaldos (Nomads). This can still be done before going through the Point Of No Return. You can also still do it after the story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the credits. it will put you back before the Point Of No Return. Panam’s side quests are as follows:
2. During the “Nocturne Op55N1” main mission (final story mission), Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony, you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Choose the following dialogues: “[Call] Panam” – “Just need a minute” – “Somethin’… I gotta do today” – “Gonna ask Panam for help” – “Take Omega Blockers”.
3. After defeating Adam Smasher in the “Belly Of The Beast” main mission (ending mission), you will interact with the Alt AI and enter the Cyberspace. Johnny and Alt will talk to you. Select the following dialogue: “Wanna live out whatever life I got left”. Then, enter the Well to return to your body (do not cross the Bridge to the Cyberspace) and get The Star ending (best ending).
The Sun ending
To get The Sun ending in Cyberpunk 2077 , complete the following tasks:
1. Successfully complete Rogue’s side questline to forge an alliance between her and Johnny Silverhand. This can still be done before going through the Point Of No Return. You can also do it after completing the story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the credits, it will place you back before the Point Of No Return. Rogue’s required side quests are “Chippin’ In” (unlocks over the course of the story; automatically added to your quest log) and “Blistering Love” (after completing the “Chippin’ In” quest, call Rogue on the phone to take her out on a date).
2. During the “Nocturne Op55N1” final story mission, Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony, you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Select the following dialogues: “Think you and Rogue should go” — “Take Pseudoendotrizine”.
3. During the “Changes” ending mission, after defeating Adam Smasher, you will enter the Cyberspace and talk to Alt and V. Select the “Goin’ with Alt, you live on.” dialogue. Then, cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace forever (do not enter the well). This causes Johnny to stay in the Cyberspace with Alt and triggers the Sun ending, where V becomes the Legend of Night City.
The Temperance ending
To get The Temperance ending in Cyberpunk 2077 , complete the following tasks:
- Riders On The Storm (progress through the story for it to automatically be added to your quest log).
- With A Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest, you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
- Queen Of The Highway (starts automatically after completing the previous quest; must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
1. Successfully complete Panam’s side questline to forge an alliance with the Aldecaldos (Nomads). This can still be done before going through the Point Of No Return. You can also still do it after the story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the credits. it will put you back before the Point Of No Return. Panam’s side quests are as follows:
2. During the “Nocturne Op55N1” main mission (final story mission), Mysty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony, you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Choose the following dialogues: “[Call] Panam” – “Just need a minute” – “Somethin’… I gotta do today” – “Gonna ask Panam for help” – “Take Omega Blockers”.
3. After defeating Adam Smasher in the “Belly Of The Beast” main mission (ending mission), you will interact with the Alt AI and enter the Cyberspace. Johnny and Alt will talk to you. Select the following dialogue: “Body’s Johnny’s. I’ll go.” Then, cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace forever (do not enter the Well to return to your body) to get The Temperance ending.
Riding the rollercoaster
There is a rollercoaster on the coast of Pacifica, Coastview. The rollercoaster becomes available once you reach Act 2 in the story. Even if you are under-leveled for Pacifica, you should not have issues walking to the rollercoaster entrance booth. Go to the Mega Ride gate area to find the rollercoaster. Scan the cart to see the power is out. To the left of the cart is a lower section under the railing with a walkway. This maintenance area has a yellow “DANGER” electrical box. Interact with it to restore power to the coaster. You can now return to the cart and choose to get in. Johnny will even talk to you. He will ride alongside you the entire time. As you ride, you can also interact to raise your hands. Watch for the island to the far east to see a space shuttle launch.
Secret Arasaka Memorial Room
Travel to City Center, Corpo Plaza, and go to the Arasaka Building. To the left of the main doors is the Arasaka Memorial. Enter and go to the back of the hallway. Enter ” 2023 ” as a code. Inside are the names of developers on the walls.
Secret Kabuki Developer Room
Travel to the circle-shaped mall in Kabuki, Watson. It is the mall where you visit the Nethacker vendor for a main job. Go around to the back of the mall to find a door with a keypad near the stairs in the lower section of the mall. Check the map for an exact location. If you found the correct door, Johnny will appear and challenge you to open it. Enter ” 605185 ” as a code on the keypad to unlock the garage door. You can sit down inside the tech room, and Johnny will play his guitar for you. Select the TV power icon to view a series of photos of the developers.
Defeating Adam Smasher boss
During the “Totalimmortal” main mission, you will fight Adam Smasher. It is recommended to equip a revolver, assault rifle, and sniper rifle (this covers different types of ammo so you do not run out of bullets). Adam Smasher will initially use melee attacks. Shoot off his right arm (when aiming at him, to your left). Once he loses this body part, it causes him a lot of damage and he will stop using melee attacks. He will then mostly resort to using the rocket launcher on his back. When he shoots rockets, you will always want to keep moving because they are targeted at the area where you were standing. They are easy to avoid. Between his missile charges, shoot him with the sniper rifle and assault rifle from a distance. He will also start spawning some lesser enemies as his health drops. The ninja-type enemies are easily defeated with 1-2 frag grenades (they may evade your bullets — so throw a grenade to save ammo). Circle around the upper area and keep your distance to Adam Smasher. Only focus on the lesser enemies when they get close to you, otherwise focus your attention on Adam Smasher. He has a lot of health, but after his initial melee phase, he is pretty limited in his moves. Shoot off the rocket launcher on his back, and he will be defenseless and not have much left to attack you. At that point, you could also hit him with melee weapons if you run out of ammo.
Defeating Sandayu Oda boss
After pulling the cable out of the netrunner in the “Play It Safe” main mission, the Sanduya Oda boss fight will automatically begin. Sandayu Oda is the most versatile boss thus far, with the most varied moveset. He will start attacking with dual melee weapons. Always dodge away or to the side when he attacks. While you are not dodging, keep shooting him. Performing headshots with a revolver works well. Fully automatic weapons work good too, but they may run out of ammo too quickly. Shotguns can deal decent damage but depending on the model might be very slow to reload. Equip a weapon of a different ammo type in each slot (one pistol/revolver, one fully automatic weapon, one sniper rifle). This ensures you will not run out of ammo so easily. Be careful to not get pushed into a corner by Oda’s melee attacks. When he jumps in the air and comes smashing down with a melee attack, he will inflicts a lot of damage if not dodged. Just keep dodging continuously when he does that. After his first attack wave, he will start alternating between a homing bullets and his melee attacks. When he uses homing bullets, always run to cover. He will also start jumping/climbing up to the higher areas, from where he will only shoot homing bullets. He takes brief breaks between these bullet attacks, allowing you time to land some sniper rifle headshots on him. As soon as he shoots, hide behind cover and repeat. As his health drops, he will start using a stealth cloak and disappear from the minimap. You will see his health recharging while he hides. Run through all the constructions huts in a circle around the area to find him. He will always randomly hide in one of them, and you can see the blue outline of his cloak. Shoot him and he will stop recharging health. Finding him quickly when he does that is important so he does not have time to recharge much health. If your health gets dangerously low, just start running away through the constructions huts around the area and use health items on yourself. As long as you do not run out of ammo or health items, you will be fine. It is recommended to enter this fight with lots of ammo and health items.
Defeating Sasquatch boss (Matilda K. Rose)
During the “Find the agent in the cinema” objective in the “I Walk The Line” main mission, you will automatically encounter Matilda K. Rose (“Sasquatch” boss). Matilda (Sasquatch) is a large female brawler. She only does melee attacks. She is slow and easy to dodge. The easiest method is to use firearms against her, while keeping your distance as much as possible and dodging all her attacks. It is recommended to dodge to the side. On her back is a glowing tech piece, which is her weakspot. By dodging sideways, it is easy to hit her weakspot. This piece also makes her recharge her health. Taking that out should be your first priority. It will explode in just a few hits, dealing her a lot of damage, and stopping her from recharging more health. After she lands a heavy attack, she will be standing still for a moment, which is when you should hit her back. The rest of the fight is rather straightforward, just dodge and shoot her head. Fully automatic weapons and shotguns are recommended. At some point, she may pin you to the ground. Just keep attacking and she will let go pretty quickly.
Easy “Two Heads, One Bullet” trophy
First, obtain a sniper rifle. You can either loot them from enemies (snipers) or purchase one. It is recommended to wait until you get one as an enemy drop since there will be plenty throughout the story and other side activities. Just make sure to keep at least one sniper rifle you find. Then, find two policemen standing next to each other. You can frequently find them on street corners, as they are always standing still and close together. Line them up and then shoot both in the head, killing them with one shot, to get the “Two Heads, One Bullet” trophy. It does not matter which type of sniper rifle you use (a Tech sniper rifle works just as well as a Power sniper rifle). If they do mot die in one hit, change the difficulty to easy in the game settings and/or come back after leveling up and getting a better sniper rifle. You can find two policemen at the following location in the Watson city district.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Never Fade Away (Platinum): Unlock all trophies.
- The World (Gold): Complete the main storyline.
- Breathtaking (Silver): Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.
- It’s Elementary (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.
- I Am The Law (Bronze): Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.
- Greetings from Pacifica! (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.
- The Wasteland (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.
- Little Tokyo (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook.
- Mean Streets (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.
- The Jungle (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo.
- City Lights (Silver): Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.
- Full Body Conversion (Bronze): Install at least one implant in each system and body part.
- Gun Fu (Bronze): Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.
- Christmas Tree Attack (Bronze): Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded.
- Ten out of Ten (Bronze): Reach the max level in any skill.
- Gunslinger (Bronze): Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.
- Two Heads, One Bullet (Bronze): Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.
- Rough Landing (Bronze): While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies.
- Stanislavski’s Method (Bronze): Use a dialogue option related to V’s life path 10 times.
- Autojock (Silver): Buy all vehicles available for purchase.
- Master Crafter (Bronze): Craft 3 Legendary items.
- Daemon In The Shell (Bronze): Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one “Detonate Grenade” quickhack.
- The Quick and the Dead (Bronze): Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.
- Must Be Rats (Bronze): Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.
- V for Vendetta (Bronze): After reviving with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you within 5 seconds.
- True Soldier (Silver): Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.
- True Warrior (Silver): Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.
- Right Back At Ya (Bronze): Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.
- The Wandering Fool (Silver): Find all the tarot graffiti for the job Fool on the Hill.
- Frequent Flyer (Bronze): Find all fast travel dataterms.
- Legend of The Afterlife (Silver): Reach max Street Cred.
Additionally, there are 14 secret trophies:
- The Fool (Bronze): Become a mercenary.
- The Lovers (Bronze): Steal the Relic.
- The Hermit (Bronze): Find Alt Cunningham.
- The Wheel of Fortune (Bronze): Interrogate Anders Hellman.
- The High Priestess (Bronze): Talk with Hanako Arasaka.
- The Devil (Silver): Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka.
- The Star (Silver): Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos.
- The Sun (Silver): Become a legend of the Afterlife.
- Temperance (Silver): Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body.
- To Protect and Serve (Bronze): Complete River Ward’s storyline.
- To Bad Decisions! (Bronze): Complete Kerry Eurodyne’s storyline.
- Judy vs Night City (Bronze): Complete Judy Alvarez’s storyline.
- Life of the Road (Bronze): Complete Panam Palmer’s storyline.
- Bushido and Chill (Bronze): Watch Bushido X with Rogue.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.