



Dark Souls Isn’t A Party-Goer

Dark Souls Isn’t A Party-Goer


Like its predecessor, Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls is a game founded on atmosphere. Communication, in Demon’s Souls, relied on messages players left behind for one another, cobbled together from a preset list of phrases that, at best, provided general advice on how to proceed. In keeping with that mystique, Dark Souls has been revealed to be incompatible with the Xbox 360’s party chat.

Gamers who attempt to play Dark Souls in Online mode while in a party with other Xbox Live subscribers will be informed that Online mode is inaccessible while they are in a party, and that the game will start in Offline mode. If one joins a party while already playing, the game informs one that it “Cannot continue game because you are in party chat. Returning to title screen…” before booting the player to the title screen.

Harsh? Perhaps, but that’s part of Dark Souls’ appeal. The game is relentless, unforgiving, and atmospheric, going to great lengths to make sure you feel isolated and uncertain during your sojourn into its world. Dark Souls will be out on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 tomorrow, October 4.

By Shelby Reiches

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