June 10, 2009 – Dark Void, one of a handful of Western-developed games the company has been producing, made its playable debut at last year’s E3. The title intrigued quite a few, but the coarse frame rate and a few half-baked gameplay ideas left us with doubts as to whether or not Airtight Games would be able to deliver on the game’s potential. Since then, Capcom has kept the game under tight wraps, finally reemerging at this year’s show. Clearly, they have been very busy.
Dark Void is really a whole different game since the last time we played it. Not only have the graphics been overhauled and the frame rate smoothed out, but the gameplay has been completely retooled. Whereas last year’s game was more of a cover shooter with some flight sequences, the 2009 build is more of an action-adventure game that brings all of these pieces together.
Unlike the earlier version, the demo tosses you immediately into the sky with the signature Rocketeer-inspired jetpack. The awkward, vulnerable feeling of flying has been toned down considerably, which is a bit of a loss since subtle animation touches made flying with a jetpack seem as scary as it really would be. Instead, you have guns mounted on your back, and the controls feel more like a traditional aerial combat game like the developer’s earlier Crimson Skies game.
After taking out a few targets from the air, we landed on a base and headed inside to sabotage it. Indoors the jetpack can be used as a sort of double-jump (it can also be triggered into flight mode at any time, but doing this in a cramped hallway is a good way to become a stain on the wall). The controls on the ground are very typically Gears of War, and the arsenal seems classically sci-fi, with lasers and plasma guns alongside more traditional weaponry. The cover system has cleaned up a bit, and it feels less fidgety, but it also lacks some of the swift animation and subtle camera work that makes it feel so satisfying in Gears.
It was after this sequence that it became really apparent how much Capcom and Airtight have been working to integrate the different elements. We flew around to another part of the base, went inside, and then started a vertical ascent using platforms for cover, while shooting enemies all the way. At any point we could have hopped off, flown, or walked around. It had a much more coherent feel, and it helps to make the jetpack seem less like a novelty and more like a real asset to the gameplay.
Capcom plans to launch Dark Void in the fall, a release target shared with seemingly every other game at the show. Capcom’s producer expressed some concerns that the title could get “Dead Spaced” and lost among higher profile sequels, but they seem determined all the same. While the build still needed a bit of work, they have taken amazing strides in the last year, and it will be interesting to see what the final months hold.
Game Features:
Flying Somewhat Familiar Skies
January 2, 2009 – Anyone who owned an original Xbox and also enjoys aerial acrobatics and dogfighting has likely heard of Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. This title was an early showcase for the excellent graphics and gameplay possible on the fledgling platform. With its unique alternate history take on the world and its sheer quality, Crimson Skies managed to develop a major following. As time went on, a sequel seemed more and more unlikely until it eventually appeared as though it would never happen. While this is still the case, many members of the Crimson Skies team are working together on a new game that seems very much like the spiritual successor to this beloved title.
Similar to the mixture of archaic merged with modern vibe found in Crimson Skies, Dark Void takes place in the 1930s but quickly gets a futuristic injection. You will play as Will, a cargo pilot who happens to choose a poor flight path that leads him through the Bermuda Triangle. Before he makes it out of this mysterious airspace, he is transported to an alternate dimension called The Void. This dimension is home to some very hostile aliens known as Watchers. While little is known about their motives or intentions, they definitely don’t seem to want Will to live to tell about them.
Fortunately, Will isn’t the only human unlucky enough to find himself stranded in The Void. He quickly stumbles upon a collection of other unfortunate souls, and together they seek to create a giant airship capable of escaping from The Void. While it doesn’t seem like you will receive much direct help, your fellow humans should provide you with useful information and perhaps some helpful items.
Since the game takes place in the 1930s, the weapons and equipment you start out with are quite old and underpowered. As you make your way through The Void, Watcher technology can be acquired and used to suit your needs. This technology will come in the form of more futuristic weapons, a hover/rocket pack, and even controllable UFOs. All of your equipment throughout the game will also be upgradeable, so players can expect controlling Will to feel like playing as a one man army by the end of the title.
The majority of Dark Void’s gameplay is not unlike that found in many third-person shooters, with Will taking cover behind objects and firing at his enemies. As one would expect, players will be able to blind fire, peak out from behind cover, and even perform execution moves during combat. While these abilities are useful and seem well done, they are also incredibly similar to those found in most other games in the same genre. The way that Dark Void sets itself apart from the pack is in its verticality.
Early on, players will acquire a hover pack, eventually upgrading to a rocket pack, which literally makes the sky the limit. As a hover pack, players will be able to use it to glide around, slow their descent, and flank enemies from overhead. However, once you’ve upgraded to a rocket pack, you will actually be able to fly just about anywhere at any time. This opens up quite a few interesting opportunities, especially when combined with the cover mechanic.
In most third-person shooters, players walk across battlefields seeking refuge behind any walls or objects they manage to come across. While this kind of gameplay exists in Dark Void, players will also find themselves taking vertical cover. This consists of flying up the side of a building or cliff, ducking behind anything that happens to jut out from its side. Hiding behind outcroppings, players can dispatch Watchers in standard peak and shoot fashion or can simply pull them off a cliff and watch them fall to their doom. This seems like it will create some interesting firefights, but it may also be difficult for players who can easily become motion sick.
While flying with Will’s rocket pack, players will also be confronted by interesting-looking, but dangerous, Watcher UFOs. These circular UFOs are made up of an inner and outer ring that can move somewhat independently. The inner ring houses the ships’ weaponry and pilots, while the outer ring is home to the crafts’ engines. When Will manages to fly closely to an enemy UFO, he will be able to attempt to steal the ship for his own uses. Jumping between four polar positions on the outer ring, players will need to avoid turret fire while trying to remove a panel and scramble some circuits. When the panel is opened, the pilot of the ship will attempt to attack Will, allowing him to finally gain control of the UFO after tossing the pilot over the side.
This is where Dark Void will begin to remind fans of Crimson Skies. Players will be able to perform a plethora of aerial stunts and maneuvers that will be invaluable while dogfighting with other airborne crafts. It was even stated that anyone who played Crimson Skies would easily be able to pick up the controller and instantly know how to pilot these vehicles. This is great news considering how well the controls worked in Crimson Skies, especially when in combat.
While we may never get a true sequel to Crimson Skies, Dark Void looks like it will be an interesting spiritual successor. By adding a sci-fi theme and an on-ground third-person shooting element to the flight mechanics from Crimson Skies, Dark Void could very well surpass many fans’ expectations for a true sequel to the classic title anyway. Either way, whether you are a longtime fan of Crimson Skies or are just looking for a new third-person shooter with a twist, Dark Void could be exactly what you’re seeking. We’ll have to wait until it is finally released to know for sure, but this one is already looking quite promising.
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