



Darksiders II Haunting Your Dashboard

Darksiders II Haunting Your Dashboard


With the recent news that Darksiders II would be pushed back from June to August (new worldwide release date is August 21, by the way), action gamers across the globe released a sigh of dejection, some skipping straight to unbridled rage. As our look at a preliminary build of the game indicated, there were some serious issues that still needed to be worked out, so hopefully the extra time in development will see those addressed. But in the interest of mollifying the fan-base, THQ is releasing some Darksiders II goodies for the Xbox 360 dashboard.

These avatar goodies run the gamut from the standard themed shirts all the way up to full sets of Death’s armor and animated props, ranging in price from 80 up to 400 MSP. When can you get your virtual hands on this collection of gothic goodies? Immediately, as the Darksiders II Avatar collection launches today on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

By Shelby Reiches

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