



Dead Space 3 Receives “No Frills” PC Port

Dead Space 3 Receives “No Frills” PC Port

The good news is that Dead Space 3 is coming to PC as well as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The bad news, though, is that Visceral Games doesn’t appear to have learned from Vigil’s experiences with Darksiders II; the PC version of Dead Space 3 will be more or less a straight port.

What does this mean for you and your fancy-schmancy graphics card? Well, it means a lack of Direct X 11 support and very few advanced features. There will be no a high-resolution texture option, for example. All of the assets will be exactly as they were designed for the consoles.

For many years, this had been the norm for ports of console games, or cross-platform releases that included the PC, but the current boom in PC gaming led to increased support for advanced graphical features (Square Enix’s Sleeping Dogs had both these and a high-res texture pack, while Darksiders II eventually received PC optimizations). From a major publisher such as EA, this just seems like a tremendous step backward. At least it isn’t as limited as Dark Souls.

Dead Space 3 will launch on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on Tuesday, February 5.

Source: VG24/7

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