Deadly 30 Cheat mode
While playing the game, press ” 66 “. All survivors will get the alien laser gun and over 130,000 in money. Note: You will not be able to switch back to your previous weapon.
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- 1 UP!: Reach Maximum Level Up.
- 2 Weeks Later: Survive 14 Nights.
- Blargh!: Get puked on.
- Boom, Headshot!: Kill 500 zombies with Headshots.
- Cant Stop Now!: Spend an Hour Playing.
- Can’t Touch Me: Buy 10 boxes.
- Dang-a-lang: Kill a naked zombie.
- Deadly 3: Get all 3 Survivors to the Helicopter.
- Defender: Buy 4 Turrets.
- DIY!?: Buy the Alien Laser Gun.
- Getting Paid: Find Total of 50000 Scrap Metal.
- Golden Shells: Total of 20000 bullets shot.
- Great Teamwork…: Lose the game.
- Imma Take a Nap: Sleep 5 Nights.
- Infected Meat: Kill 2000 Zombies.
- Mechanic: All Maxed Upgrades.
- Medic! Medic!: Heal 500 Health Points.
- Oh Hai Thar: Kill a Red Giant.
- Shanked!: Stab 300 zombies.
- Staying Alive: Survive a night outside of the base.
- Survivor: Survive all 30 days and nights.
- Traveler: Walk 10 kilometers.
- Union: Have full crew.
- VODKA: Find the secret button.
- Warming Up: Survive your first night.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.