Murder Miners Easy “Zombicide” achievement
Start a private Zombie Survival mode game. Select the “Max Zombies” setting for more targets. Choose the Battle Rifle and any other desired weapon (shotgun, machine gun, and sniper rifle recommended). You must get a twenty zombie kill streak to get the “Zombicide” achievement. This is only possible if you kill zombies quickly between each other. Do not waste shots. You will have enough time to reload between kills; do not waste time by killing a zombie after a reload. Since the Battle Rifle fires in bursts, a head shot will usually kill a zombie. Body shots will require two bursts. Always try to get head shots, if possible. Use your secondary weapon if you run out of ammunition, which can happen if you get too many body shots. Do not scope in with the Battle Rifle because zombies can approach from multiple directions and your peripheral vision will be narrowed. Grenade kills will not increment the counter. If you die, end the game instead of respawning, and try again. The zombies will spawn too fast and will overwhelm you.
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- Ain’t Called ‘Gun’ For Nothing: Get 50 total Minergun kills in games with 10+ players.
- Alpha Infector: Get a +2 as a zombie in a 10+ player game.
- Big Time Builder: Placed 1000 Individual Blocks with the Miner Gun.
- Big Time Zombie: Reach level 10 as a Zombie in a 10+ player game.
- Big Winner: Win 10 Games.
- Double Murder: Get a +2 against humans in a 10+ player game.
- Double Penetration: Get 2 human headshots with a single sniper shot in a 10+ player game.
- Get Over Here!: Grab 5 Humans as a Zombie in a 10+ player game.
- Infection Champ: Win Infection with 10+ players.
- Kill 50 AI Zombies: Kill 50 AI Zombies.
- Murder Massacre: Get a +4 against humans in a 10+ player game.
- Murder Match Champ: Win Free For All with 10+ players.
- Murder The Flag: Murder the flag in a 10+ player game.
- Murderbike Mogul: Get 10 total kills with the Murderbike.
- Sole Survivor: Be the last human alive in a 10+ infection game.
- They Can Run But They Can’t Hide: Destory 100 blocks as a zombie in a 10+ player game.
- You cheated…Excellent: Get a +8 against humans in a 10+ player game.
- Zombicide: Get a +20 in Survival Mode.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.