



Defense Grid: The Awakening Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Defense Grid: The Awakening Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Defense Grid: The Awakening Cheat mode

While playing the game, click and hold the Right Analog-stick, then enter one of the following codes on the D-pad to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect. Note: Enabling codes will disable the ability to earn medals and achievements. Also, enabling the “100,000 resources” code will record you as finishing with one core and getting a score of 2,000.

Level select Up (2), Down (2), Left , Right , Left , Right
Auto victory Up (4)
Auto defeat Down (4)
100,000 resources Right (4)
All tower types Up , Down , Left , Right
All towers and upgrades Left , Up , Down , Right
Aliens cannot grab cores Up , Left , Down , Right
Cores cannot be taken Up , Left , Down , Right
Kill all aliens Left , Right , Left , Right
Kill all aliens carrying cores Up , Down , Down , Up
Toggle target reticule Down , Up , Down , Up
Free camera mode [Note] Down , Up , Down (2)
Unknown Up , Right , Down , Left
Unknown Left (2), Right (2)

Note: Press LB to move forward and RB to move back. Use the Left Analog-stick to change the angle, and the Right Analog-stick to control the translation.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Salvage Rights (5 points): Destroy at least one boss alien.
    Field Promotion (10 points): Earn at least one silver medal in any mission after The Awakening.
    Death From Above (10 points): Fire the orbital laser.
    Tower Expert (10 points): Build at least one of every tower type and available upgrade.
    Flawless Victory (15 points): Earn at least one gold medal in any mission after The Awakening.
    Nail Biter (15 points): Win a mission with the last remaining core less than 10 seconds away from the map exit.
    Base Defender (20 points): Complete the Story mode in The Awakening campaign.
    Planet Defender (20 points): Earn at least a silver medal on all Story mode missions in The Awakening campaign.
    Exterminator (20 points): Destroy 1000 aliens.
    Alien Tears (20 points): Earn at least a gold medal on all Story mode missions in The Awakening campaign.
    Siege Breaker (25 points): Survive all 99 waves on any Grinder challenge mode.
    Master Strategist (30 points): Earn a gold medal on at least 40 Story or Challenge mode missions in any campaign.

The following achievement requires the “Resurgence Map Pack 1” bonus downloadable content:

    Combat Turmoil (10 points): Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Service Interruption and Height of Confusion.

The following achievement requires the “Resurgence Map Pack 2” bonus downloadable content:

    Circular Hazard (10 points): Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Risk Exposure and Roundabout.

The following achievement requires the “Resurgence Map Pack 3” bonus downloadable content:

    Civil Divergence (10 points): Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Urban Planning and Tactical Diversion.

The following achievements require the “Resurgence Map Pack 4” bonus downloadable content:

    Overflowing (10 points): Earn a gold medal on all the modes of Overflow.
    Regional Deluge (10 points): Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Kill Zone and Overflow.

The following achievements require the “You Monster” bonus downloadable content:

    Majestic Pony (10 points): Earn a bronze medal on all story missions in the You Monster campaign.
    Savant Genius (10 points): Earn a gold medal on any story mission past ‘Divided Attention’ in the You Monster campaign.
    Beating a Dead Potato (10 points): Earn a gold medal on any 35 missions in the You Monster campaign.
    Best Friends Forever (10 points): Earn a gold medal on all story challenge missions in the You Monster campaign.
    You Monster (10 points): Earn a gold medal on all story missions in the You Monster campaign.
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