Don’t Starve Together Trophies
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Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
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- Defier of Odds (Platinum): You filled your trophy case to brimming.
- Not Dead Yet (Silver): Survived 20 consecutive days.
- Stayin’ Alive (Bronze): Survived 35 consecutive days.
- I Will Survive (Silver): Survived 55 consecutive days.
- I’m a Survivor (Gold): Survived 70 consecutive days.
- Bachelor of Science (Bronze): Built a Science Machine.
- Master of Science (Bronze): Built an Alchemy Engine.
- Doctor of Science (Bronze): Built a Shadow Manipulator.
- Honorary Doctor of Science (Bronze): Built a Prestihatinator.
- Worming My Way In (Bronze): Willingly jumped down a gross hole.
- Make it Rain (Bronze): Struck a deal with a large porky monarch.
- What a Lovely Day (Silver): Grew a pretty flower. Aw.
- Busy Bee (Bronze): Harvested some sweet, sweet honey from an overflowing beebox.
- Quick and Thimble (Bronze): Demonstrated your formidable sewing skills.
- Pig Pen (Bronze): Had six simultaneous pigman followers. What a party!
- Tough Crowd (Bronze): Had four simultaneous rock lobster followers. Snappy!
- Open Sesame (Bronze): Found a hole in the ground. Wow!
- Quakin’ in My Boots (Bronze): You felt the earth move under your feet and the sky tumblin’ down.
- Tentacle Express (Bronze): Travelled in the exact opposite of style.
- We All Die Alone… Together! (Bronze): Visited a public world.
- If You Build It They Will Come (Silver): Hosted a public world for 40 consecutive days.
- A Giving Heart (Silver): Brought a friend back from the dead.
- These Kids are our Future (Silver): Give resources to a new player after establishing yourself for 20 days.
- Express Yourself (Bronze): Showed everyone your true feelings with an emote.
- Sunday Best (Bronze): Donned a fashionable character skin.
- Shifty, but Thrifty (Bronze): Crafted a new clothing item with the help of a mysterious Innkeeper.
Additionally, there are ten secret trophies:
- Not Your Momma (Silver): Witnessed the miracle of Tallbird motherhood.
- Tree Whisperer (Bronze): Soothed an enraged tree.
- Turtling (Bronze): Wore Snurtle Shell Armor and a Shelmet at the same time.
- Death Perception (Silver): Defeated a Deerclops.
- Insecticide Regicide (Silver): Defeated a Spider Queen.
- Ancient History (Silver): Defeated an Ancient Guardian.
- Gone South (Gold): Defeated a Moose. Or a Goose. Or both?
- BEARserker! (Gold): Defeated a Bearger.
- No Fly Zone (Gold): Defeated a Dragonfly.
- Beast of the Bottomless Stomach (Gold): Domesticated a wild beefalo.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.
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