Sad news came directly from Insomniac Games today. Sunset Overdrive is going to be best friends forever with the Xbox One. There’s no chance of it ever deciding to suddenly swing onto to another platform. It’s an eternal commitment to being console exclusive. Some people are upset to hear it will never be on another platform, like the PC or PS4, but really, it’s for the best.
Console exclusives are what make or break platforms. The fact that people are upset about Sunset Overdrive is a positive thing. It shows that this game is so incredible, special, and fun that they can’t stop thinking about it even a year later. They still wish that it would should up somewhere else.
That means Insomniac Games did something right, of course. But it means Microsoft made a smart decision, too. When a company makes a console, it wants it to sell. If the hardware isn’t appealing enough, it has to go and find developers to create exclusive games to seal the deal. This update means that Sunset Overdrive is now confirmed as one of the strongest weapons in the Xbox One’s arsenal.
The system needs it. Moreover, the Xbox One needs more games like it. The console isn’t doing badly, but there seems to be an eternal rubberbanding effect in the industry. One company pulls ahead for a generation, others fall behind, and there’s a snap-back. During the times when things are lean, you need a Sunset Overdrive to show that even the second place system can be first in your heart.

Besides, the Xbox One needs more exclusives. Hell, both of the non-Nintendo systems do. The only reason the Wii U is set is because Nintendo is really the only company making games for it. With the PS4 and Xbox One, we’re mostly seeing multiplatform offerings. Things like Sunset Overdrive and next week’s Rare Replay are what make a difference.
In fact, bringing up Rare Replay is a great way to end this and drive the point home. Even though many of the games in the collection appeared on other consoles, you can’t look at it and not think “Xbox One.” Sunset Overdrive is the same way. It’s become something of an icon. We should appreciate and value it for that, adding it to a list of reasons why the Xbox One is so great.