



Insomniac Games Reveals Indie Experiment Slow Down, Bull

Insomniac Games Reveals Indie Experiment Slow Down, Bull

It’s strange to think that Insomniac Games is an independent studio, especially when considering their latest project is Sunset Overdrive . Designer Lisa also acknowledges that the studio doesn’t allign with the typical view of indie developers, so she took to the company’s blog to announce their indie experiment: Slow Down, Bul l .

While one might think the studio went independent after it stopped making games exclusively for Sony, Insomniac has actually been an independent studio for 20 years, and its founders has seen their share of hard times. “While we’ve been a 100 percent independent game developer for 20 years now, few people would classify us as ‘indie’ even though we pride ourselves on that very spirit,” wrote Lisa. “For example, many folks don’t know that Insomniac founder and CEO Ted Price burned through his life savings creating our first game demo, literally down to his last dollars when he signed a three-game deal with Universal.”

Lisa also reveals that Chief Technology Officer Alex Hastings and Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings joined Price in his garage, each of them taking on several different roles. The team has never forgotten their roots, so they’ve decided to create a “great game” with only four to five employees, Slow Down, Bull. Lisa acknowledges that the game isn’t ready to be revealed; however, she did provide some rough drafts of key art. As for the game itself, it’s about a bull who must overcome its violent, bullish insticts so that it can enjoy the finer things in life.

I know, the art is such a tease. Still, this sounds like a fun concept, and it shouldn’t get in the way of Insomniac’s larger projects.

[ Insomniac Games ]

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