Bandai Namco has just revealed the main plot of their latest upcoming game, Dragon Ball: Xenoverse . The timeline of Dragon Ball Z has gotten all out of whack. It’s up to you, as a self-made fan-fiction style character, to participate in battles all across Dragon Ball Z history and get them back into line.
You will participate in multiple iconic fights from the Saiyan Saga to the Buu Saga, and you will have to be sure that they end up the way they should, with the right characters dying and the right ones going super Saiyan… so on and so forth. You yourself were summoned to this time period by Trunks via the Eternal Dragon. It’s unclear what is destroying the timeline, but only you “the hero of hope” can stop it.
So… yeah, it’s kind of a simple and fanfictiony premise, but it allows you to make your own Dragon Ball Z character, which is pretty much what every Dragon Ball Z fan wants.
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse will release in Japan in 2015 for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. An American release date is still pending.
Source: Siliconera