



Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi


Bonus characters

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Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

    Bardock: Win the first battle in Story mode against Frieza (First Form).
    Broly: Defeat Broly in Story mode with Super Saiyan Goku.
    Captain Ginyu (Goku’s body): Defeat Captain Ginyu (Base Form) with Goku in Story mode.
    Cell (Second Form): Defeat Cell with Super Vegeta in Story mode.
    Cell (Perfect Form): Defeat Cell with Super Vegeta in Story mode.
    Cell (Super Perfect Form): Defeat Cell with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan in Story mode.
    Frieza (Form 1, 2, 3): Defeat Frieza with Vegeta, Piccolo, and Kid Gohan.
    Frieza (Full Power Final Form): Defeat Frieza with Super Saiyan Goku in Story mode.
    Goku (Super Saiyan 3): Defeat Majin Buu with Goku in Story mode.
    Jeice and Burter: Defeat Jeice and Burter with Goku.
    Kid Buu: Defeat Kid Buu in Story mode.
    Majin Vegeta: Defeat Goku with Majin Vegeta in Story mode.
    Omega Shenron: Defeat Omega Shenron in Story mode.
    Raditz: Defeat Raditz with Goku and Piccolo in Story mode.
    Super Buu: Defeat Super Buu with Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks in Story mode.
    Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed): Defeat Super Buu with Super Vegito in Story mode.
    Super Janemba: Defeat Super Janemba with Super Gogeta in Story mode.
    Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta: Defeat Omega Shenron in Story mode.
    Super Saiyan 2 Goku: Defeat Majin Vegeta with Super Saiyan 2 Goku in Story mode.
    Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks: Defeat Super Buu using Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks in Story mode.
    Super Saiyan Trunks: Defeat Super Saiyan Trunks with Goku in Story mode.
    Super Vegeta: Defeat Cell (Second Form) in Story mode.
    Super Vegito: Defeat Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed) with Super Vegito in Story mode.
    Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan 2): Defeat Cell (Perfect Form) with Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan 2) in Story mode.
    Trunks: Defeat Trunks in Story mode with Goku at the start of the Android Saga.
    Ultimate Gohan: Defeat Super Buu with Ultimate Gohan in Story mode.
    Vegeta (Scouter): Defeat Vegeta (Scouter) with Goku in Story mode.

Bonus Super and Ultimate attacks

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding attack for created characters in Hero mode:

    Abyss Impact: Successfully complete 50% of training with Android #18 with a heavy character.
    Android Charge 14: Successfully complete 100% of training with Android #17 with a heavy character.
    Brutal Destruction: Successfully complete 61% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.
    Dimension Sword Attack: Successfully complete 100% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.
    Dore Terrible Flash: Successfully complete 100% of training with Cui with a heavy character.
    Eraser Shot Volley: Successfully complete 100% of training with Bardock with a heavy character.
    Full Power S.S. Bomber: Successfully complete 100% of training with Android #18 with a heavy character.
    Galactic Blow: Successfully complete 100% of training with Goku with a heavy character.
    Galactic Tyrant: Successfully complete 100% of training with Vegeta with a heavy character.
    Lightning Shower Rain: Successfully complete 38% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.
    Mystic Crasher: Successfully complete 100% of training with Piccolo with a heavy character.
    Perfect Combination: Successfully complete 50% of training with Cell with a heavy character.
    Please Leave…: Successfully complete 50% of training with Piccolo with a heavy character.
    Silent Assasin 13: Successfully complete 38% of training with Vegito with a standard character.
    Solar Kamehameha: Successfully complete 70% of training with Cell with a heavy character.
    Trap Shooter: Successfully complete 100% of training with Trunks with a heavy character.
    True Kamehameha: Successfully complete 100% of training with Janemba with a standard character.
    You Are Stronger Than I Expected!: Successfully complete 100% of training with Frieza with a heavy character.

Hero unlockables

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Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Light type

    Barrage Death Beam: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 3.
    Big Tree Cannon: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 8.
    Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 13.
    Destroy The Planet: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 8.
    Destructo Disc: Successfully complete Krillin’s Sparring 6.
    DIE DIE Missile Barrage: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 10.
    Energy Blast Barrage: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 5.
    Evil Warrior Aura Pink: Successfully complete Cui’s Sparring 8.
    Explosive Ki Blast: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 10.
    Fiery Ki Blast: Successfully complete Super Gogeta’s Sparring 13.
    Fissure Slash: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 6.
    Flash: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 10.
    Frieza Final Form Aura: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 4.
    Galactic Donuts: Successfully complete Super Gogeta’s Sparring 13.
    Gohan Type: Successfully complete Gohan’s Sparring 8.
    Gotenks Type: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 13.
    Great Shield: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 13.
    Health+10: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 3.
    Health+4: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 1.
    Health+6: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 2.
    Health+9: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 8.
    High Shield: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 10.
    Homing Energy Wave: Successfully complete Tien’s Sparring 6.
    Intense Ki Blast: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 3.
    Kaioken Aura: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 4.
    Kamehameha: Successfully complete Krillin’s Sparring 3.
    Ki Blast Attack+1: Successfully complete Krillin’s Sparring 1.
    Ki Blast Attack+10: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 10.
    Ki Blast Attack+2: Successfully complete Ginyu’s Sparring 6.
    Ki Blast Attack+3: Successfully complete #18’s Sparring 1.
    Ki Blast Attack+4: Successfully complete Bardock’s Sparring 1.
    Ki Blast Attack+5: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 6.
    Ki Blast Attack+6: Successfully complete Gohan’s Sparring 2.
    Ki Blast Attack+7: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 2.
    Ki Blast Attack+9: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 5.
    Kid Buu Aura: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 8.
    Melee Attack+3: Successfully complete #17’s Sparring 6.
    Melee Attack+8: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 2.
    Navy Flame Aura: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 4.
    Perpetual Motion Machine: Successfully complete Super Gogeta’s Sparring 10.
    Pink Flame Aura: Successfully complete Ginyu’s Sparring 3.
    Quiet Rage: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 8.
    Red Flame Aura: Successfully complete #17’s Sparring 3.
    Revenge Cannon: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 13.
    Shiden: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 10.
    Shield: Successfully complete Raditz’s Sparring 6.
    Spread Energy Blast: Successfully complete #18’s Sparring 6.
    Super Assault Combo: Successfully complete Gohan’s Sparring 3.
    Super Attack+6: Successfully complete Gohan’s Sparring 8.
    Super Gogeta Aura: Successfully complete Super Gogeta’s Sparring 8.
    Super Kamehameha: Successfully complete Gohan’s Sparring 6.
    Super Masenko: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 3.
    Super Saiyan 4 Aura: Successfully complete Gotenks’ Sparring 8.
    Super Saiyan Aura B: Successfully complete Vegeta’s Sparring 4.
    Whirlwind: Successfully complete Vegeta’s Sparring 8.
    You Might Die This Time: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 4.

Heavy type

    Abyss Impact: Successfully complete #18’s Sparring 3.
    Android Charge 14: Successfully complete #17’s Sparring 6.
    Arm Break: Successfully complete Nappa’s Sparring 6.
    Broly Type: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 13.
    Brutal Destruction: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 8.
    Burning Shoot: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 5.
    Cell Type: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 10.
    Darkness Sword Attack: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 7.
    Dimension Sword Attack: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 13.
    Dore Terrible Flash: Successfully complete Cui’s Sparring 8.
    Double Eraser Cannon: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 5.
    Eraser Cannon: Successfully complete Raditz’s Sparring 3.
    Eraser Shot Volley: Successfully complete Bardock’s Sparring 6.
    Evil Warrior Aura Green: Successfully complete Cui’s Sparring 8.
    Eye Beam: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 2.
    Full Power Frieza Aura: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 4.
    Full Power SS Deadly Bomber: Successfully complete #18’s Sparring 6.
    Galactic Blow: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 8.
    Galactic Tyrant: Successfully complete Vegeta’s Sparring 8.
    Gold Flame Aura: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 4.
    Grand Smasher: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 13.
    Grease Lightning: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 3.
    Green Flame Aura: Successfully complete Tien’s Sparring 6.
    Health +2: Successfully complete Ginyu’s Sparring 6.
    Health +3: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 6.
    Health +7: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 2.
    Hyper Tornado: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 3.
    Iron Wall: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 10.
    Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Aura: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 8.
    Lightning Shower Rain: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 5.
    Lightning Speed: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 10.
    Machine Impact: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 4.
    Majin Buu Aura: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 8.
    Majin Vegeta Aura: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 5.
    Melee Attack +1: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 1.
    Melee Attack +10: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 10.
    Melee Attack +2: Successfully complete #17’s Sparring 1.
    Melee Attack +5: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 1.
    Melee Attack +6: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 2.
    Melee Attack +7: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 2.
    Melee Attack +9: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 10.
    Mystic Crasher: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 6.
    Nappa Cannon: Successfully complete Nappa’s Sparring 8.
    Nappa Type: Successfully complete Nappa’s Sparring 8.
    New Android Aura: Successfully complete #18’s Sparring 3.
    Omega Shenron Aura: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 13.
    Perfect Combination: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 5.
    Please Leave: Successfully complete Piccolo’s Sparring 3.
    Protection: Successfully complete Broly’s Sparring 13.
    Pure Blood Saiyan Aura: Successfully complete Bardock’s Sparring 3.
    Purple Flame Aura: Successfully complete Ginyu’s Sparring 3.
    Resilient Body: Successfully complete Super Janemba’s Sparring 8.
    Revenger Cannon: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 13.
    Robo-type Android Aura: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 3.
    Self Destruct Device: Successfully complete #16’s Sparring 6.
    Solar Kamehameha: Successfully complete Cell’s Sparring 7.
    Sturm Und Drang: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 3.
    Super Attack +4: Successfully complete Bardock’s Sparring 1.
    Super Attack +8: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta’s Sparring 2.
    Super Saiyan 2 Aura: Successfully complete Vegeta’s Sparring 4.
    Super Saiyan 3 Aura: Successfully complete Goku’s Sparring 4.
    Thruster Kick: Successfully complete Cui’s Sparring 6.
    Thunder Flash: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan’s Sparring 7.
    Tough: Successfully complete Raditz’s Sparring 6.
    Trap Shooter: Successfully complete Trunks’ Sparring 8.
    Ultimate Blow: Successfully complete Super Vegito’s Sparring 5.
    Volcano Eruption: Successfully complete Nappa’s Sparring 4.
    Yellow Flame Aura: Successfully complete #17’s Sparring 3.
    You Are Stronger Than I Expected: Successfully complete Frieza’s Sparring 8.


Defeat the indicated character(s) in Hero mode to unlock the Master for the corresponding body type(s):

    All Body Sizes (Android #17 and Android 18): Defeat Androids #17 and #18.
    All Body Sizes (Frieza, Cui, and Trunks): Defeat Omega Shenron (first fight).
    All Body Sizes (Majin Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, and Cell): Defeat Omega Shenron (second fight).
    All Body Sizes (Piccolo, Raditz, and Bardock): Defeat Piccolo.
    All Body Sizes (Tien and Captain Ginyu): Defeat Captain Ginyu.
    Heavy Hero (Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, Super Janemba, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).
    Light Hero (Goku, Vegeta, and Teen Gohan): Defeat Great Ape Baby (Boss battle).
    Light Hero (Super Gotenks, Super Gogeta, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).
    Standard and Heavy Hero (Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa): Defeat Great Ape Baby (Boss battle).
    Standard Hero (Super Janemba, Super Gogeta, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    OVER 9000!!!! (Platinum): Obtain all the trophies.
    The Actors are All in Play! (Silver): Unlock all characters and forms.
    World Domination! (Bronze): Fight on all maps.
    Training All Over Again (Bronze): Do Training for the first time.
    Don’t Forget the Basics (Bronze): Complete Tutorial until the end.
    Beginning of a Fantastic Tale (Bronze): Win 1 Event Battle in Story Mode.
    Monster on a Full Moon (Bronze): Clear a Giant Boss Battle in Story Mode for the first time.
    Great Air Battle! (Bronze): Do a Sky Chase in Story Mode for the first time.
    Goodbye, Dragon World (Silver): Clear Story Mode for the first time.
    I’m Going to Change the World! (Bronze): Win 1 Event Battle in Hero Mode.
    Your Real Training Starts Here (Bronze): Clear Hero Mode training for the first time.
    All 7 Are Here! (Bronze): Do a Chase Battle in Story Mode for the first time.
    I Changed the World! (Gold): Clear Hero Mode for the first time.
    How Do I Look? (Bronze): Obtain a Hero hairstyle for the first time.
    Becoming Fashion Aware (Bronze): Obtain a Hero costume for the first time.
    The Martial Artist’s Path (Bronze): Obtain a Hero Fight Style for the first time.
    Master! Please Teach Me! (Bronze): Obtain a Hero Master for the first time.
    Limit Breaker (Silver): Obtain 20,000 Hero AP.
    Growing in Power (Bronze): Obtain 500 Hero AP.
    Point Getter (Bronze): Obtain 1,000 Hero AP.
    Tapping into Latent Power (Bronze): Collect 10 Skills.
    Skill Master (Silver): Collect 20 Skills.
    Which One Shall I Choose? (Bronze): Collect 10 Super Attacks.
    Super Attack Collector (Silver): Collect 30 Super Attacks.
    I Still Want To Fight (Bronze): Win 5 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
    I Want to Fight Someone Strong! (Bronze): Win 30 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
    Fight Seeker (Bronze): Win 50 times in a 1P vs. ‘Very Strong’ CPU battle.
    Defense Learner (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 10 times total in real battle.
    Defense Professional (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 100 times total in real battle.
    Evasion Learner (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 10 times total in real battle.
    Evasion Fiend (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 100 times total in real battle.
    Interception Learner (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 10 times total in real battle.
    Counter Hero (Bronze): Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 100 times total in real battle.
    Expert (Bronze): Successfully perform Clashes 20 times total in real battle.
    I See Right Through You! (Bronze): Successfully perform Clashes 100 times total in real battle.
    Moves On Parade (Bronze): Perform 50 Super Attacks total in real battle.
    Master of Moves (Bronze): Perform 50 Ultimate Attacks total in real battle.
    World Tournament Champion (Bronze): Win the World Tournament.
    Cell Games Champion (Bronze): Win the Cell Games.
    W.Tournament True Champion (Silver): Champion of World Tournament on Hard Difficulty.
    Cell Games True Champion (Silver): Champion of Cell Games on Hard Difficulty.
    Battle Rookie (Bronze): Fight in an Online Battle 1 time.
    Regular Battle Customer (Bronze): Fight in an Online Battle 10 times.
    Battle Veteran (Bronze): Fight in an Online Battle 30 times.
    Title Holder (Bronze): Collect 5 or more titles.
    Title King (Silver): Collect 30 or more titles.

Additionally, there are four secret trophies:

    That’s One Big Dragon!! (Bronze): Summon Shenron for the first time.
    That One’s Even Bigger!! (Bronze): Summon Porunga for the first time.
    Thank You Very Much!! (Gold): Watch the Credits.
    Dragon Ball Doctorate (Bronze): View all character profiles in the Character Encyclopedia.
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