



Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

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Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2

Note: This game is also titled Gundam Musou 2 .

Alternate title screen

Successfully complete Amuro Ray’s storyline in Char’s Counterattack.

Bonus characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to get an e-mail at the Terminal that will unlock the corresponding character in Mission mode:

    Amuro Ray: Successfully complete Amuro’s storyline in Story mode.

    Cecily Fairchild: Successfully complete Seabook Arno’s Story mode missions.

    Char Aznable: Successfully complete Char’s storyline in Story mode.

    Dozle Zabi: Accept the invitation to join Zeon, and successfully complete the assigned missions.

    Four Murasame: Successfully complete Kamille Bidan’s Story mode missions to unlock Four’s friendship mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Glemy Toto: Help Glemy establish his own faction while joining Axis to unlock another mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Gym Ghingnham: Join Dianna Counter, and have normal or better relations with Gym to unlock another mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Gyunei Guss: Play as Quess Paraya, and unlock Gyunei’s friendship mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Hayato Kobayashi: Have a good relationship with Hayato, and successfully complete his friendship mission.

    Judau Ashta: Successfully complete Judau’s storyline in Story mode.

    Kai Shiden: Have a good relationship with Kai, and successfully complete his friendship mission.

    Kamille Bidan: Successfully complete Kamille’s storyline in Story mode.

    Katejina Loos: Have a good relationship with Katejina, and successfully complete her friendship missions after obtaining a V2 Gundam license.

    Lacus Clyne: Successfully complete Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala’s Story mode missions to unlock a mission from Lacus in Kira’s terminal. Then, complete that mission.

    Lunamaria Hawke: Successfully complete Shinn Asuka’s Story mode missions to unlock a mission from Lunamaria. Then, complete that mission after getting a Zaku II CA license.

    M’Quve: Successfully complete the mission from Kycillia while joining Zeon.

    Quess Paraya: Play as a non-Newtype. Increase your relationship with Quess until you get mail from her, then make the character a Newtype.

    Ramba Ral: Have a good relationship with Ramba Ral until you get mail from Dozle while joining Zeon. Then, complete that mission.

    Reccoa Londe: Play as Yazan Gable, and shoot down Reccoa.

    Rosamia Badam: Have the best relationship with Kamille after joining AEUG to unlock another mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Sarah Zabiarov: Have a good relationship with Sarah and Scirocco and a bad relationship with Reccoa to unlock a mission from Sarah. Then, complete that mission.

    Sleggar Law: Play as a female character, and have a good relationship with Sleggar to unlock his friendship mission. Then, complete that mission.

    Yazan Gable: Have a good relationship with Yazan after joining Titans to unlock a test mission. Then, complete that mission.

MS licenses

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding MS licenses in Mission mode:

    Char’s Z’Gok: Have a good relationship with Char, and successfully complete his second license mission.

    Char’s Zaku: Have a good relationship with Char, and successfully complete his first license mission.

    Destiny Gundam: Successfully complete Shinn’s Story mode missions, and have a good relationship with him. Then, complete his license mission.

    God Gundam: Have a good relationship with Domon, and successfully complete his license mission.

    Gundam: Have a good relationship with Amuro, and successfully complete both his license missions.

    Gundam Epyon: Have a good relationship with Milliardo, and successfully complete his license mission.

    Gundam F91: Successfully complete Seabook’s Story mode missions, and have a good relationship with him. Then, complete his license mission.

    Gundam MK-II AUEG and Titans: Have a good relationship with Kamille, and successfully complete both his license missions.

    Gundam Wing Zero: Have a good relationship with Heero, and successfully complete his license mission.

    Hyaku Shiki: Have a good relationship with Char, and successfully complete both his license missions.

    Infinite Justice Gundam: Successfully complete his Story mode mission, and have good relationship with him. Then, complete his license mission.

    Master Gundam: Get God Gundam’s license. Have a good relationship with Touhou Fuhai, and successfully complete his license mission.

    Musha Gundam: Defeat 5,000 troops, and successfully complete the corresponding Free mission. Then, complete Free missions 1 through 6.

    Musha Gundam MK-II: Successfully complete 50 missions, then successfully complete the corresponding Free mission. Complete Free mission 7, then complete his license mission.

    Nu Gundam: Unlock all UC licenses, and have very good relationship with Amuro. Then, complete his license mission.

    Quebeley (Haman): Have a good relationship with Haman, and successfully complete her license mission.

    Quebeley (Puru/Puru Two): Have a good relationship with Puru and Puru Two, and successfully complete their license mission.

    Sazabi: Have Char’s Zaku, Char’s Z’Gok, and Hyaku Shiki’s licenses. Have a very good relationship with Char, and successfully complete both his license missions.

    Strike Freedom Gundam: Successfully complete Kira’s Story mode missions, and have good relationship with him. Then, complete his license mission.

    The O: Have a good relationship with Scirocco, and successfully complete his license mission.

    Turn A Gundam: Have a good relationship with Loran, and successfully complete his license mission.

    V2 Gundam: Successfully complete Usso’s Story mode missions, and have good relationship with him. Then, complete his license mission.

    Z Gundam: Have a good relationship with Kamille, and successfully complete both his license missions.

    ZZ Gundam: Have a good relationship with Judau and Roux, and successfully complete both their license missions.

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