



EA Stands By Its Online Pass Decision

EA Stands By Its Online Pass Decision

When Electronic Arts first announced that they’d be scrapping the online pass system going forward, and retroactively removing it from all previously affected games, the more cynical and jaded in the gaming community saw it as a response to the expected DRM policies in the next generation of consoles. What need was there for the online pass when game trades would be regulated and used sales would provide kickbacks to the developers? With the Xbox One’s DRM scheme, this seemed to be a valid perspective.

But now Microsoft has reversed their position on the Xbox One’s DRM. What’s EA’s response?

They’re sticking to their guns. Even without the increased security of single-use game discs, EA does not intend to institute an online pass for any of their games in the future. Even if this is the result of being caught with their pants down, having not anticipated the Microsoft change of heart, it’s still good to see a company standing by a decision that garners consumer goodwill, even if it puts them at some measure of disadvantage.

Source: Polygon

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