



Earthbound Is Finally Coming To The Virtual Console

Earthbound Is Finally Coming To The Virtual Console


It’s finally happening.

What am I so happy about, you may ask? Earthbound will be released for the North American and European Virtual Consoles. That’s why I’m so damn happy. The announcement was made during today’s Nintendo Direct event.

While Earthbound was released on the Super Nintendo, it has been noticeably absent from the Virtual Console despite its popularity and critical acclaim. Its sequel, Mother 3, was only released in Japan despite a large demand for it here in North America.

The game will be out by the end of the year in both territories.

As you might have expected, fan reaction is overwhelmingly positive.  Could this give us a glimmer of hope concerning a local release of Mother 3?

Maybe one day, it could happen? No. I’m not getting my hopes up. I should know better.

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