Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two
Reprogramming Beetleworx
Have Oswald zap the Beetleworx until it becomes stunned. If you are close enough, the view will zoom in slightly and Oswald’s remote will emit blue waves. Twist the remote slowly until the waves change to bright green. Then, hold it in position until you are prompted to press a button. Note: This will occasionally have to be repeated.
Defeating the taxi cabs
When outside Blot Alley at Club 15, hit the cabs on the front, and the hood will break off. Then, jump on the button to stun it, and paint or thin the blot.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Can I Get a Pin of That? (Platinum): Earned all other trophies in the game.
- Apprentice Pin Collector (Bronze): Acquired a Collectible Pin for the first time.
- Clear! (Bronze): Mickey revived Oswald while playing co-op.
- Devoted Pin Collector (Bronze): Found 88 Collectible Pins.
- Dressed to Impress (Silver): Collected every Costume.
- Dress-up (Bronze): Changed costumes for the first time.
- Fall From Grace (Bronze): Entered Angel Falls, exited Devil Falls.
- Film Buff (Silver): Collected every 2D Film Reel.
- Who Left These Lying Around? (Bronze): Rescued all the gremlins.
- Get with the Program (Bronze): Reprogrammed a Beetleworx.
- Hard Hat Area (Bronze): Got through Ventureland’s construction area.
- Heads Up (Bronze): Matched Seth’s flowers to OsTown’s statue.
- Heroes of Wasteland (Bronze): Built both statues in OsTown.
- Junker (Bronze): Destroyed 50 enemies.
- Lab Tested (Bronze): Finished Yen Sid’s Lab.
- Make Your Own Way (Bronze): Ignored Daisy AND Smee’s suggestions.
- Master Pin Collector (Gold): Collected 176 Collectible Pins.
- Not-So-Sleepy Hollow (Bronze): Revealed every knothole surprise.
- Off Track (Silver): Shuttered all four train stations.
- Oswald’s New Groove (Bronze): Finished Dark Beauty Castle with two players.
- Perfectionist (Gold): Finished all quests.
- Picture Perfect (Bronze): Got all three of Metairie’s pictures.
- Prince Charming (Silver): Befriended 100 enemies.
- Projector Corrector (Bronze): Restarted the Rainbow Falls Substation.
- Recycler (Bronze): Befriended 50 enemies.
- Rogues Gallery (Bronze): Photographed every enemy.
- Staff Photographer (Silver): Got all Adelle’s photos from the official Picture Spots.
- Statue Garden (Gold): Awakened every Spirit.
- Thinderella (Silver): Destroyed 100 enemies.
- Tunnel Mouse (Bronze): Played through every D.E.C..
- Walking the Mean Streets (Bronze): Navigated both halves of Mean Street.
- We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do! (Bronze): Awakened a Spirit.
- When You Wish Upon a Star (Bronze): Painted every star and comet in Yen Sid’s Lab.
Additionally, there are 14 secret trophies:
- Blot Alley Superstar (Bronze): Befriended the Blotworx and helped Petetronic.
- Dragon Defeat (Silver): Defeated the Blotworx Dragon.
- Fortified (Bronze): Scouted a path through Fort Wasteland.
- Full-court Prescott (Bronze): Chased Prescott through the Floatyard.
- Go with the Flow (Bronze): Solved OsTown’s Thinner problem.
- Race the Autotopia Speedway (Bronze): Completed a race in Autotopia.
- Running the Gauntlet (Bronze): Got through Blot Alley by any means.
- Siphon…Siphoff… (Bronze): Dealt with all the Guardian Siphons.
- The Bigger They Are… (Silver): Defeated Prescott’s mechanical creation.
- Things Are Worxing Out (Bronze): Opened the way to Blot Alley.
- Trailblazer (Bronze): Braved Disney Gulch.
- Tryptic (Bronze): Dealt with all 3 dioramas.
- You Must be This Tall to Ride (Silver): Defeated the Mad Doctor’s new ride.
- Your Conscience Be Your Guide (Bronze): Found a way through the Rainbow Caverns.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.