



ESA Speaks Out Against #GamerGate

ESA Speaks Out Against #GamerGate

Against all odds, #GamerGate rages on, but as it does, more and more people have begun banding together to fight against it. Now, the ESA, arguably one of the most influential organizations in our industry and organizer for E3, has publicly come out against the movement.

“Threats of violence and harassment are wrong,” said an ESA spokesperson. “They have to stop.” This was followed up by a statement to the Washington post saying “There is no place in the video game community–or our society–for personal attacks and threats.”

Recently, someone made an anonymous school shooting threat was called in to USU in order to stop a talk that Feminist Frequency host/author Anita Sarkeesian was going to give. It threatened a “Montreal Massacre style attack” should her talk not be canceled. The threat had some horrible language in it, saying “She is going to die screaming like the craven little whore she is if you let her come to USU.”

This is the sort of person we don’t want in our gaming community, and while countless #GamerGate supporters say this is not what they stand for, they continue to be blind to the people who are using the #GamerGate umbrella for acts of violence and hate.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, good #GamerGate supporters, cut ties and start a better movement, because your cause has been infected with a hate message that is doing more harm than good. The fight against corruption in games journalism has existed before #GamerGate and will exist afterward, so abandon the thing that is toxic to your cause.

Source: Gamespot

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