



Escape Plan DLC Is Ludicrously Cheap

Escape Plan DLC Is Ludicrously Cheap


Escape Plan, the quirky black and white downloadable puzzle adventure game for the Vita, has recently gotten a new patch on the PSN. Patch 1.02 comes complete with free avatars for PS Plus members.

In addition, the game’s most recent DLC pack, The Asylum, has gone on sale for a ludicrous price. Though normally five dollars, the pack is now only twenty five cents. That’s less than a random game of pinball in an arcade. That’s less than stick of gum. That’s less than… well, a third comparison escapes me, but the point is that it’s really cheap.

This sale will last still June 26h, at which point it will balloon up to its natural price of five dollars. The DLC includes eighteen new levels, seven new challenge modes, four trophies, and a brand new story. If you feel like trying out the game, the demo is available for free on the PSN.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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