



EVE Online Free on Steam This Weekend

EVE Online Free on Steam This Weekend

EVE Online is probably the most grown-up video game out there. It’s complex and political, challenging and thought-provoking. So many of the game’s events are directly affected by players and their actions. Territories are claimed by federations composed of multiple player coalitions. These coalitions drive the economy, dictate the supply and demand of resources, and often end up warring against one another. Things got particularly nasty this summer with a huge conflict, dubbed The Northern War, raging on for multiple months.

It’s a far-out experience, and you can see what all the fuss is about for free this weekend. EVE Online will be playable for free on Steam until 5PM EST on Sunday. Developer CCP summoned veterans to “lend your newbros a hand and reap the benefits of additional manpower – as we all know, there is power in numbers.” Those words will ring doubly true for those involved in the recent great war. I did hear from a prominent EVE YouTube streamer that the community is very helpful and welcoming to new players, so you have nothing to lose!

Source: Eurogamer

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