The team over at Square Enix behind Final Fantasy XV have been doing an incredible job keeping the community updated, informed, and hyped. Yesterday, they took to the official FF XV forums to answer some fan questions. One of the questions addressed how difficulty modes would affect the game in terms of XP gained, enemy health and behavior, etc. We got the following response:
“The equivalent to difficulty level settings in FFXV is a system where you can switch between different battle modes. By having this ability to switch modes, we want to make it so that both players who like action oriented, technical gameplay and also those who want to fight at a slower, more relaxed pace can all enjoy the combat in their own style. This switching system is a key part of the gameplay that we decided to introduce based on the feedback we received from the Episode Duscae demo. We will go into more detail about the system closer to the game’s launch so stay tuned for more information.”
This is pretty interesting news. We’ve seen from the gameplay footage that combat in FF XV, and the Final Fantasy VII Remake for that matter, looks pretty fast-paced. This was off-putting for many of you, especially in regard to FF VII. This could be great news for everyone, or this could mean that we’re getting two watered-down combat systems instead of one really great combat system. If they both work really well, it wouldn’t surprise me if an alternative battle mode is worked into the FF VII remake as well, since the replacement of turn-based combat was a tough pill for many to swallow. Stay tuned for more updates!
Source: VG 24/7