



Grand Theft Auto V Shatters High Expectations by Passing $1 Billion Mark

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Grand Theft Auto V Shatters High Expectations by Passing $1 Billion Mark

Grand Theft Auto V passed an unprecedented milestone Friday.  In just three days, the controversial open-world crime fest broke a barrier that no one even knew could be broken.  Rockstar’s latest passed the $1 billion dollar mark in sales.  This makes it one of the fastest-selling entertainment items ever produced. It’s little surprise that Grand Theft Auto V hit this gargantuan number after its $800 million dollar day-one showing .  Analysts predicted that Grand Theft Auto V would take a week to break this record that it broke in only three days. Rockstar’s latest leaves all expectation in the dust.  With the company already hypothetically making a profit after three days, who knows how valuable this game will end up being for its developers.

Source: abc.net

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