



Gravity Rush Remastered Getting a Physical Release After All

Gravity Rush Remastered Getting a Physical Release After All

Sony Computer Entertainment of America had previously announced that Gravity Rush Remastered would come as a digital-only offering, much to the disappointment of many fans, including myself. SCEA has noted our displeasure, and heard our pleas! Someone noticed that an Amazon listing popped up for Gravity Rush Remastered and took to Twitter to see if they could confirm the potentially good news.

Asad Qizilbash, marketer at SCEA, was happy to confirm the change in plans. Gravity Rush Remastered is officially due for a physical release on February 9 in North America. The only question now is whether or not it will be an Amazon exclusive. The wording in this tweet from Nick Accordino seems to suggest an exclusive physical release via Amazon, but we haven’t received an explicit confirmation as of yet. Either way, February can’t come soon enough.

Source: Gematsu

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