



GTA V Spawns New Screens

GTA V Spawns New Screens


News on Grand Theft Auto V has been sparse since the game’s initial trailer, with Rockstar mum on when we can expect the highly anticipated next entry in the GTA series and, more to the point, what hardware we should hope to play it on. Recently, though, the all-star developer has deigned to grace us with a couple of screens from the upcoming game.

The helicopter shot, in particular, is an intriguing one, providing a great sense of the sort of scale we can expect in the sandbox series’ next open-world. The buildings, you’ll note, seem to stretch on practically forever.

Some of the speculation surrounding this latest batch of screenshots has it that GTAV might not be designed for the current generation of consoles. While the scale is certainly impressive, and it’s a very visually attractive game, just going on what little we’ve seen thus far, nothing about it screams “next-gen” to me, as of yet. Then again, maybe I’m just jaded.

By Shelby Reiches

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