If you are an intrepid Pokémon trainer that really does “gotta catch em all,” then you will have to invest some time in cheat devices and file decryption, as hackers have recently shown that there are some Pokémon unavailable by traditional means hidden in the code of Pokémon X and Y .
By patching the game’s code on the fly, this hacker revealed three Pokémon that aren’t even listed in the normal Pokédex…. And what a coincidence! There just so happened to be a similar leak of Pokémon info on serebii.net , a popular Pokémon news site, also revealed the existence of three new Pokémon early. These Pokémon are Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa, and while they don’t look legendary, they are likely supposed to only be accessible via specific Nintendo events.
In addition to these three brand new Pokémon, a number of other images have started to leak to the Net showing off new Mega-Evolutions, new Pokémon color schemes, and much much more that isn’t directly available on the Pokémon X and Y carts without hacking.
The reveal of these Pokémon have led some to believe that hacking is running rampant in Pokémon X and Y and that this will eventually lead to the Pokémon global trading network being overrun by “fabricated” Pokémon ( instead of Bunnelbys ). However, it is currently impossible to put a hacked Pokémon, created on a PC, into a Pokémon X and Y game. Then again, with the growing popularity of the 3DS homebrew community and the ever increasing technology of 3DS flashcards, we may be seeing trainers with legendary mega-Arceus’ soon enough.
Source: Kotaku