Hero X
Change superpowers
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit a “*.idx” file in the “hero xsavegames” folder in the game directory. Change the values such as health recharge, power recharge, etc.
Look for the “[Player]” heading to change the following attributes:
- Hitpointrecovery (sets speed of hit points recovery)
- Powerpoints (sets the number of power points)
- PowerPointRecovery (sets the speed of power points recovery)
- Hit (sets the number of hitpoints)
- Titles (sets the names of available super powers)
Look for the “[PowerActive]” heading to change one of the following attributes. Only up to 10 powers can be edited. Change the number after the “=” to “0” (disabled) or “1” (enabled).
- superspeed=
- superstrength1=
- supersense=
- superfireball=
- superfreezeray=
- supermultiply=
- superforcefield=
- superfrenzy=
- superdangersense=
- superelectricbolt=
Look for the :[PowerEnabled]” heading to change one of the following attributes. Set all of the following entries to “=1”
- superspeed=1
- superstrength1=1
- supersense=1
- superfireball=1
- superfreezeray=1
- supermultiply=1
- superforcefield=1
- superfrenzy=1
- superdangersense=1
- superelectricbolt=1
Note: When adding super powers, you must also add to the “titles=” line under the “[Player]” heading. List all of your super powers there. For example:
- titles=superspeed,superstrength1,supersense,superfireball,superfreezeray,
The following is a list of superpowers can be enabled:
- superbulletshield= (Protects against small high-velocity projectiles)
- superconfusion= (Confused opponents wander aimlessly, forgetting to fight temporarily)
- supercopypower= (Use someone else’s randomly selected superpower temporarily)
- superdangersense= (Know what direction threats lie in)
- superearthquake= (Knocks everyone off their feet and stun them temporarily)
- superelectricbolt= (Connects you rather shockingly to a target for heavy damage)
- superelectricshock= (An electric arc shoots and strikes an enemy for light damage)
- superenergydrain= (Lessens power of a target who possesses superabilities)
- superentanglement= (Employs flora to hinder your enemy movement)
- superesp= (Read thoughts of enemies and innocents)
- superfireball= (Fires flaming ball that concentrates on a target for heavy damage)
- superfireshield= (Flaming aura surrounds you, lessening damage)
- superflamethrower= (Flames shoot in a stream inflicting moderate damage)
- superflamingbody= (Flames surround your body, burning all who strike you)
- superforcefield= (Form barrier of force around you, absorbing all damage inflicted)
- superforcehand= (Mentally generated hand attacks at a distance)
- superfreezeray= (Shoot ball of extreme cold at a target, freezing him in his tracks)
- superfrenzy= (Fighting strength and speed increase)
- superhealing= (Recover from any injuries at accelerated rate)
- supericeshield= (Aura of cold surrounds you and lessens damage)
- supericeslide= (Pathway of ice beneath allows you to slide very quickly)
- superillusiondecoy= (Create identical copy of yourself and renders you invisible)
- superimmobilize= (Immobilizes opponents in ice)
- superinfravision= (See heat and foes can no longer hide in darkness)
- superinvis= (Undetectable by sight)
- superjump= (Leap obstacles with enhanced legs)
- superknockback= (Field that forces away anyone you strike)
- superknockoutgas= (Noxious fumes to overwhelm enemies)
- supermimic= (Absorb the appearance and abilities of another by touch)
- supermindcontrol= (Make almost anyone an ally)
- supermultiply= (Create three independent duplicates of yourself)
- superpsychicblast= (Damage a single target)
- superpsychichold= (Immobilize a single target)
- superrepulse= (Force away anyone who tries telekinetic shove)
- supersense= (Quickly identifies objects you can interact with)
- supershapeshift1= (Transmute body to stone or metal)
- supershockfield= (Field shocks anyone attempting to strike you)
- supersmokescreen= (Generate a cloud to confuse and slow enemies)
- supersonicboom= (Devastating blast of sound)
- supersonicstun= (Devastating blast of sound)
- superspeed= (Fast speed)
- superstasisfield= (Field of energy that renders enemy immobile)
- superstrength1= (Lift up to one ton)
- superstrength2= (Lift up to three tons)
- supertelekinesis= (Move objects from a distance)
- superteleport= (Transform yourself from matter to energy, and back again elsewhere)
- supertimeslow= (Slow time in your immediate area)
- supertimestop= (Stop time for all those around you)
- superwhirlwind= (Miniature tornado)
- superwindblast= (Knock back enemies)
- superxrayvision= (See through walls of wood and stone).