



Hyrule Warriors Legends has a Season Pass

Hyrule Warriors Legends has a Season Pass

You don’t exactly expect Nintendo to be a company announcing a season pass, but here we are. A Hyrule Warriors Legends season pass was among the many announcements during the March 3 Nintendo Direct. Don’t be too surprised, though. Fire Emblem Fates has one too, in the form of its Map Pack 1.

But back to Hyrule Warriors Legends . It’s season pass will give purchasers access to four DLC packs. People who buy it will also get an extra costume for Ganondorf when the 3DS game is released.

Nintendo also confirmed a new character, and she’s adorable. Remember Medli from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ? She’s coming to Hyrule Warriors Legends . She’ll arrive on the same day as the first DLC pack, but don’t worry about paying for her. She’ll be free. You can even download and use her in the original Hyrule Warriors on Wii U.

Hyrule Warriors Legends will be released March 25. We don’t know when any of the DLC packs will be available, but Nintendo did say they’ll be released over the next few months after the Nintendo 3DS game’s release.

Source: Nintendo Direct

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