



I Am Alive Gets Rated

I Am Alive Gets Rated


I Am Alive is a game coming from Ubisoft that features, in no small way, a fight for survival. Some calamity has basically reduced the earth to a post-apocalyptic civilization in a mere five days, and it is up to you to do everything you can to not die. Of course, the plot is about finding your family in this wasteland, but not dying comes first. This is a world where people will shoot you in the face for a bottle of water, after all.

It turns out that a struggle to prolong your life in a ruined world is not exactly family fun for all ages. The ESRB has rated this game M for mature, and given us a few insights on why.

I Am Alive does not only feature melee combat, it features melee murder. You can slit people’s throats, pistol whip them, or even impale them. Similarly, other survivalists will do the same to you if you threaten their supplies. The official ESRB listing cites “Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language” as the reasons for the rating. Long story short, the apocalypse isn’t pretty.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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