G-LOC: Air Battle Summary
Before there was Ace Combat, there was G-Loc: Air Battle. Released on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) way back in 1990 (we seem to be doing a lot of these articles). G-Loc is all about air combat in a day and age where such concepts were just getting off the ground.
In terms of gameplay, it pits you in the pilot seat, literally. You play from a first-person perspective in an F2-A plane, and fun fact! There used to be a cabinet version that let the player sit in a much larger pilot seat.

G-LOC: Air Battle Premise
Much like many cabinet games out during the 1990s, there is no plot to speak of. It’s just you, the enemy pilots, and the open sky. Shoot them all down to win the game until you are shot down.
G-LOC: Air Battle Main Characters
There are no characters to speak of in this game. Expect you, the player! Funny how that works out, eh? Well, to be fair, there is an Operator who gives you tactical advice, an Announcer, and a Menu Announcer. However, that is about it. And none of them have any distinct character traits to speak of.
G-LOC: Air Battle Titles of Video Games in the Series
There are a few!
- G-Loc: Air Combat (1990)
- Strike Fighter (2000)
G-LOC: Air Battle Cheat Codes
Cheat menu
At the title screen, press 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 on gamepad two. In-game press 1 on gamepad two to skip the level, or press 2 on gamepad two to adjust the terrain.
View the ending
At the Title Screen press Right, Left, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 and then Start to view the ending.EffectCodeView the ending Right, Left, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, Start.
Code | Effect |
Unlimited Missiles | 002-E5E-E6E |
Each Enemy Target Counts As 5 | 050-16E-EFE |
Each Enemy Target Counts As 8 | 080-16E-EFE |
Each Enemy Target Counts As 10 | 0A0-16E-EFE |
Complete Level | C3F-80A-A21 |
G-LOC: Air Battle Cheat Code FAQs
With that out of the way, let’s go over a few FAQs!
….That is what I would like to say. But with old games such as this, there aren’t a lot of people asking questions. Sorry about that.