As reported by Develop on Thursday, July 3, video game industry veteran and Games Workshop co-founder Ian Livingston has been named the ambassador for all creative industries on behalf of the Creative Industries Council from here on out.
The announcement follows the Creative Industries Council’s launch of “Create UK”, which is a strategy that seeks to build upon the contribution that video games, TV, film, fashion and more make towards the UK’s economy. Create UK’s launch event took place at Facebook’s office in London.
Representatives from various creative industries and companies, including UKIE, SEGA, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and others, attended the launch event as Create UK’s strategy was outlined.
” These are real tangible things we have coming out of Create UK and the collaborative efforts we’re making, ” secretary of state for culture, media and sport Sajid Javid said during the event.
“ While I’m talking to you tonight, your sector will contribute more than half a million pounds to the British economy. Over the course of this year, that will add up to a staggering £71bn – that’s more than £1,100 for every man, woman and child in the UK.
Whether it’s Downton Abbey , Grand Theft Auto , One Direction or Peppa Pig , British actors, developers, musicians and animators are winning over critics and influencing audiences all over the world. Wherever you look, you see British creative talent at work, ” Javid added.
You can read Develop’s full article on the matter via the source link below. We’ll bring you more news on Ian Livingstone’s role as ambassador for all creative industries should further information reach our ears.
[ Develop ]
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.