Iron Fisticle Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- 1 Up?: Level up once.
- A Bit Jumpy: Complete the bonus game.
- Beating The System: Kill a golem.
- Bookworm: Collect all hint books.
- Bronze Fisticle: Complete the third floor.
- Chest Obsessed: Open 100 chests (any type).
- Clean Sheet: Complete a room without losing any health.
- Coin Collector: Collect 1000 coins.
- Colours In The Air: Collect all rainbow gems.
- Completionist: Collect every item in the ledger.
- Girl’s Best Friend: Collect 5 diamonds.
- Gobble It: Collect 10 golden goblets.
- Gone Bananas!: Get the golden bananas.
- Halitosis: Get garlic breath.
- I Urned That: Complete The Graveyard.
- Iron Fisticle: Complete the game.
- Kill-A-Ton: Kill 1000 Frankies.
- Mixed Feelings: Get the golden turd.
- Planning Ahead: Buy a gold item in the shop.
- Skellingtons!: Complete The Catacombs.
- Skin Of The Teeth: Complete a room when entering with only 1 health.
- So Dashing!: Kill 10 enemies using dash.
- So Shiny!: Collect 100 treasures.
- Spelling 101: Collect all letters spelling B-O-N-U-S.
- Stone Fisticle: Complete the second floor.
- Takes The Cake: Collect a giant piece of cake.
- Ten-tative Progress: Level up ten times.
- That’s Your Lot: Reach max level.
- Well Done You: Complete the first room.
- When Life Gives You Lemons…: Make lemonade.
- Wooden Fisticle: Complete the first floor.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.