Apparently that old argument of better graphics not making for better games is seemingly falling by the way side. All anyone can talk about these days is HD this and frame rate that!
But does one console really provide a better springboard in achieving full 1080p over the other? The conventional wisdom cites the PS4 as being far superior in that regard to its Xbox counterpart. However, Dan Teasdale (developer of Roundabout) actually feels it’s kind of a wash. “Both platforms required a small amount of optimization to hit 60fps. On the Xbox One we needed to optimize our GPU time, and on the PS4 we needed to optimize our CPU time. Neither platform was “easier”, it was just work that needed to be done.” He says.
Teasdale also touched on the excitement of working with the console format vs. PC, and how creating an experience geared towards a TV/couch setup is different than that found on desktops. He touts “I’m always excited to release games on console! I think the TV experience is something that’s huge and incredibly unique to consoles, so being able to release a TV-friendly game like Roundabout on that hardware is super exciting.”
On a related note, even after the Xbox One dropped the Kinect (thus freeing up much-needed processing power) many titles still fail to hit the coveted 1080p mark.