



Is Game Exec Scared of Future Borderland Titles?

Is Game Exec Scared of Future Borderland Titles?

While it’s easy to see how someone might be intimidated by the prospect of toping a previous achievement, is the thought of doing yet another Borderlands game really that terrifying?

In a recent interview, Gearbox President Randy Pitchford revealed that a Borderlands sequel would only be possible by raising the bar to new heights (ones even he is unsure of). “There’s a point where it’s like, ‘What should the next Borderlands be? Should there be another Borderlands , and what should it be? We had that discussion and there was this weird mixed bag. On one level it’s like, ‘Woah’. If you’re going to do something that’s called Borderlands 3 and it’s going to be done in this next-generation environment, there’s a whole bunch of ideas that come around of what has to happen in order for that to live up to what that needs to be.” He says.

While a full-blown sequel may or may not be in the cards, that doesn’t mean they’ve closed the door on these characters forever. When asked about some kind of future cross-over potential for Battleborn , Gearbox creative director Randy Varnell said that “I won’t say that we haven’t talked about including vault hunters. But it’s really important that…it has its own tone and its own style and that it can grow its legs. But it is a universe. It’s a vast universe with who knows what. It’s set way, way in the future and so I can’t say that vault hunter characters would never happen…”

Battleborn will be available only on the next-gen consoles of the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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