



Isbarah Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

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Isbarah Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Isbarah Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.

    “Waster”: Empty the Slow gauge 10 times in a single fight.
    A being’s nature: Finish Chapter 2 without using any Continue.
    A new direction: Finish Chapter 6 without using any Continue.
    A new Goddess: Finish Chapter 1 without using any Continue.
    AbaDDash: Finish Abaddon using only the Dash ability and the Down key.
    Dad Rush: Finish the first level in less than 3’48 without skipping the tutorial.
    Expert hunter: Finish 60 perfect Spells.
    Future hunter: Finish 30 perfect Spells.
    Genocide and lack of consciousness: Finish Chapter 4 without using any Continue.
    God of the Dimension of Dreams: Finish chapter 5 without getting hit (Hard or 7th Hell mode).
    God of the machines: Activate 3 railguns at the same time.
    Goddess: Finish all levels in Hard Mode.
    Grazbaddon: Win at least 40k graze points during Abaddon’s second Spell.
    Heros: Finish Death.
    I could do it with my hands behind my back!: Finish a boss without getting hit.
    Immortal: Finish Death in Hard Mode without getting hit.
    Isbarah’s great hero: Get ranked 7 in all levels.
    It could happen to anyone: Die during a Chase phase.
    Jackpot wrath: Win at least 79k graze points during Wrath of Nature’s first Spell.
    Let’s graze!: Put your graze level to 50 in less than 7 seconds.
    Mara is not your friend!: Finish a boss without using the Slow ability.
    Master hunter: Finish 90 perfect Spells.
    Master of the nightmares: Finish Nightmare without getting hit during his Custom phases.
    Nemesis: Die 9 times fighting the same boss during one gaming session.
    One lifetime: Finish Chapter 3 without using any Continue.
    Pro gunner: Activate 200 Railguns.
    Same player shoot again!: Die during the last Spell of a boss less than 2 seconds before its end.
    Sworn enemy: Die 6 times fighting the same boss during one gaming session.
    The force awakens: Finish a level with the Ghost Bullet without getting hit.
    Tightrope walker: Stay in the air at least 1 minute standing only on Barriers and without getting hit.
    Time of choice: Finish Chapter 5 without using any Continue.
    Time to grow up: Dash your father.
    Tough opponent: Die 3 times fighting the same boss during one gaming session.
    Triumph with peril: Finish a boss with all 3 challenges.
    Welcome back!: Come back after a 1-week absence.
    You can’t deal with the Ankou: Finish Jackal losing one heart during each Spell (Hard or 7th Hell mode).
    You have no power here!: Finish the Bird of Time without entering any speed zone.
    You shall not pass!: Stop 30 bullets with a single Wall.
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