



It’s Layoff Season For WB Seattle

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

It’s Layoff Season For WB Seattle


Depressing news today for anyone who works in the video game industry. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, the people behind games such as Mortal Kombat, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Lord of the Ring: War in the North, and even the LEGO series, is getting hit by some serious layoffs.

The Seattle branch specifically was affected, with reports saying it may have lost as many as sixty employees. Warner Bros. has not yet given exact figures for the scope of the layoff, but a WB spokesperson recently told Game Informer, “As part of the continual review of our business operations and fluctuating market conditions, we have had to make reductions in our WB Games Seattle workforce.”

So now the big question is what development studios were affected? Monolith? NetherRealm? Snowblind? Obviously the WB internal studio was. What does this mean for our favorite WB games, especially now that we are coming up on holiday season? We will just have to wait until WB decides to comment further.

As for those of you who lost your jobs at the WB in these trying times, we at Cheat Code Central sincerely wish you the best of luck and hope your job search is short and fruitful.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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