The PSP Go has been a sad story since its release. While the system was a bold step forward for Sony, the handheld has failed to take off like the company likely expected it to. There are apparently a myriad of reasons for this, and the president and CEO of SCE, Kaz Hirai, discussed them and the system’s overall performance in an interview with MCV. Hirai points to the market for the PSP Go as a reason for low sales, stating “I think we did cater for a market, albeit not as big as the traditional PSP-3000 market. It is the first time we have done that with any of our devices, and we did get a lot of feedback, both good and bad.” He then discussed the unfortunate pricing of the device, remarking “But also pricing is perhaps an issue. Because of the cost reductions we’ve been able to do over the years, the traditional PSP has benefited. But the PSPgo is a completely different design, so the cost trend is different.” However, despite its lower sales, Hirai doesn’t consider the PSP Go a failure, commenting “Those are some factors. But I’m happy with the results that we’ve seen on PSPgo, including the invaluable feedback that we’ve been getting from our consumers. I think it has done well for us.” |
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