Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Bonus furniture
Defeat the indicated Boss to unlock the corresponding furniture at the store for purchase:
- Hanging Bells: Defeat Yin Yarn.
- King Dedede Doll: Defeat King Dedede.
- Meta Knight Doll: Defeat Meta Knight.
- Star Bed: Defeat Yin Yarn.
Bonus wallpapers
Successfully complete all missions from the indicated character at the apartment building. That character will offer to come over to Kirby’s Pad after you complete a level. Return to Kirby’s Pad, and that character will give you a bonus wallpaper.
- Beadrix Print: Successfully complete Beadrix’s missions and have Beadrix visit Kirby’s Pad.
- Buster Print: Successfully complete Buster’s missions and have Buster visit Kirby’s Pad.
- Carrie Print: Successfully complete Carrie’s missions and have Carrie visit Kirby’s Pad.
- Mara Print: Successfully complete Mara’s missions and have Mara visit Kirby’s Pad.
- Zeke Print: Successfully complete Zeke’s missions and have Zeke visit Kirby’s Pad.
Collect various music throughout the game to unlock songs for the sound track. To unlock the final three songs (“Dream Land Music”, “Staff Credits Music”, and “Yin-Yarn’s Music”), successfully complete the game.
Quilty Square Music
- Collect Patch Castle Music.
Grass Land Music
- Collect Fountain Gardens Music.
- Collect Flower Fields Music.
- Collect Rainbow Falls Music.
- Collect Big-Bean Vine Music.
- Collect Fangora Music.
- Collect Mole Hole Music.
- Collect Wierd Woods Music.
Hot Land Music
- Collect Pyramid Sands Music.
- Collect Lava Landing Music.
- Collect Cool Cave Music.
- Collect Dino Jungle Music.
- Collect Hot Wings Music.
- Collect Temper Temple Music.
- Collect Dusk Dunes Music.
Treat Land Music
- Collect Toy Tracks Music.
- Collect Mushroom Run Music.
- Collect Sweets Park Music.
- Collect Melody Town Music.
- Collect Squashini Music.
- Collect Cocoa Station Music.
- Collect Dark Manor Music.
Water Land Music
- Collect Splash Beach Music.
- Collect Blub-Blue Ocean Music.
- Collect Secret Island Music.
- Collect Deep-Dive Deep Music.
- Collect Capamari Music.
- Collect Boom Boatyard Music.
- Collect Fossil Reef Music.
Snow Land Music
- Collect Snowy Fields Music.
- Collect Cozy Cabin Music.
- Collect Mt. Slide Music.
- Collect Frosty Wheel Music.
- Collect King Dedede Music.
- Collect Frigid Fjords Music.
- Collect Evergreen Lift Music.
Space Land Music
- Collect Future City Music.
- Collect Tube Town Music.
- Collect Mysterious UFO Music.
- Collect Stellar Way Music.
- Collect Meta Knight Music.
- Collect Moon Base Music.
- Collect Outer Rings Music.
Dream Land Music
- Collect Whispy’s Woods Music.
- Collect Tempest Tower Music.
- Collect Cloud Palace Music.
- Collect Dedede’s Castle Music.
- Collect Yin-Yarn Music.
- Collect Meta-Melon Island Music.
- Collect Battleship Halberd Music.
Successfully complete the game to unlock the “Staff Credits” at the “Flicks” menu.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.