



Kung Fu Chaos Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

Kung Fu Chaos Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

Kung Fu Chaos

Cheat codes

Note: The effects following of the following codes will remain in effect permanently. The only way to disable them is to delete your game. The cheat codes also form a mnemonic (in parenthesis) when the buttons are mapped to the following abbreviations: B = B, A = A, D = D-pad Down, Y = Y, W= White, U = D-pad Up, X = X, L= D-pad Left, R = D-pad Right, and S = Start.

Master code

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Left, Up, X, Up, Right, Y, Left, A, Right, Down (LUXURYLARD).

Level select

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Left, A, Down, Y, Right, A, Down, A, Right (LADYRADAR).

Play as Candi Roll

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Left, A, Down, Y, Start, Down, A, Y (LADYSDAY).

Play as Captain Won Ton

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Left, A, Right, Down, Y, B, Up, Down (LARDYBUD).

Play as Shao Ting

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press White, A, Left, Right, Up, Start, B, A, Left, Down, Y (WALRUSBALDY).

All characters unlocked

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At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press B, A, White, Down, Y, B, A, Left(2), A, Down (BAWDYBALLAD).

All costumes for unlocked characters

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press B, A, Down, B, A, B, Y (BADBABY).

All four star bonuses

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press A, Left(2), B, Right, A, White, Left (ALLBRAWL).

All character bios

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press B, Left, A, Right, B, Down, Right, A, White, Left (BLARBDRAWL).

All ending sequences

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press B, A, Y, Start, A, White, A, Y (BAYSAWAY).

Championship mode

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Start, Left, A, Y, Down, A, Y (SLAYDAY).

Miniseries mode

At the main menu, click the Left Analog-stick, then press Start, Left, Y, Start, Up, B, Up, Right, B (SLYSUBURB).

The Way Of The Basic Combo level

Successfully complete the Riot On The Set level with three stars.

Legend Of The Drunken Bastards level

Successfully complete the Way Of The Basic Combo level.

A Few Good Stuntmen level

Successfully complete the Legend Of The Drunken Bastards level with three stars.

Kills combat rule

Successfully complete the Legend Of The Drunken Bastards level with four stars.

Master Sho-Yu mini-series

Successfully complete the Legend Of The Drunken Bastards level with five stars.

Waterwhirl level

Successfully complete A Few Good Stuntmen level with three stars.

Ninja Fu Hiya mini-series

Successfully complete A Few Good Stuntmen level with five stars.

The Way of The Terrible Taunt level

Successfully complete the Waterwhirl level with three stars.

Master Sho-Yu mini-series

Successfully complete the Waterwhirl level with five stars.

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Princess level

Successfully complete The Way Of The Terrible Taunt level.

To Catch A Princess level

Successfully complete The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Princess level with three stars.

Mojo combat rule

Successfully complete The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Princess level with four stars.

Monkey mini-series

Successfully complete The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Princess level with five stars.

Four Poles And A Princess level

Successfully complete the To Catch A Princess level with three stars.

Ninja Fu Hiya mini-series

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Successfully complete the To Catch A Princess level with five stars.

The Way Of The Swift Strike level

Successfully complete the Four Poles And A Princess with three stars.

Monkey mini-series

Successfully complete the Four Poles And A Princess with five stars.

Lights, Camera, Attack! Level

Successfully complete The Way Of The Swift Strike level.

Night Of The Living Fog level

Successfully complete the Lights, Camera, Attack! With three stars.

Tomb Robber level

Successfully complete the Night Of The Living Fog level with three stars.

Wooden Man combat rule

Successfully complete the Night Of The Living Fog level with four stars.

Lucy Cannon mini-series

Successfully complete the Night Of The Living Fog level with five stars.

Fry Hard level

Successfully complete the Tomb Robber level with three stars.

Xui Tan Sour mini-series

Successfully complete the Tomb Robber level with five stars.

Way Of The Advanced Combo level

Successfully complete the Fry Hard level with three stars.

Monkey mini-series

Successfully complete the Fry Hard level with five stars.

Gigantic Crack level

Successfully complete the Way Of The Advanced Combo level.

Seal Of Destiny level

Successfully complete the Gigantic Crack level with three stars.

Style combat rule

Successfully complete the Gigantic Crack level with four stars.

Chop and Styx mini-series

Successfully complete the Gigantic Crack level with five stars.

Big Trouble On little Iceberg level

Successfully complete the Seal Of Destiny level with three stars.

Lucy Cannon mini-series

Successfully complete the Seal Of Destiny level with five stars.

Behind The Scenes Brawl level

Successfully complete the Big Trouble On Little Iceberg level with three stars.

Master Sho-Yu mini-series

Successfully complete the Big Trouble On Little Iceberg level with five stars.

Enter The Dino level

Successfully complete the Behind the Scenes Brawl level with three stars.

Climbing Fish, Falling Turtle level

Successfully complete the Enter The Dino level with three stars.

Kung Fu Film option

Successfully complete the Enter The Dino level with four stars.

Xui Tan Sour mini-series

Successfully complete the Enter The Dino level with five stars.

Fish Of Fury level

Successfully complete the Climbing Fish, Falling Turtle level with three stars.

Xui Tan Sour mini-series

Successfully complete the Climbing Fish, Falling Turtle level with five stars.

Revengeance Day level

Successfully complete the Fish Of Fury level with three stars.

Chop and Styx mini-series

Successfully complete the Fish Of Fury level with five stars.

Invasion Of The Brain Snatchers level

Successfully complete the Revengeance Day with three stars.

Game speed option

Successfully complete the Revengeance Day with four stars.

Chop and Styx mini-series

Successfully complete the Revengeance Day with five stars.

Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind level

Successfully complete the Invasion Of The Brain Snatchers level with three stars.

Ninja Fu Hiya mini-series

Successfully complete the Invasion Of The Brain Snatchers level with five stars.

Play as Candi Roll

Successfully complete the Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind level with three stars.

Championship mode

Successfully complete the Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind level with three stars.

Everybody’s A Critic level

Successfully complete the Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind and all previous levels with four stars.

Lucy Cannon mini-series

Successfully complete the Close Encounters Of The Worst Kind level with five stars.

Play as Captain Won Ton

Successfully complete the Everybody’s A Critic level with four stars.

Shou Ting’s Big End level

Successfully complete the Everybody’s A Critic and all previous levels with five stars.

Play as Shou Ting

Successfully complete the Shou Ting’s Big End level with four stars.

Character ending

Successfully complete the Shou Ting’s Big End level with five stars.

Alternate costumes

To unlock alternate costumes, defeat your selected character in ninja challenge mode in their “full feature” level. You only need to pass the stage to unlock it. For example, Using Xui Tan Sour, finish the Legend Of The Drunken Bastards stage (she is the Boss).

Some scenes feature an actor as the Boss. Defeat that Boss with himself (3 stars or better rank) to unlock his or her alternate costume:

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    Night Of The Living Fog: Master Sho-Yu
    The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Princess: Ninja Fu Hiya
    Enter The Dino: Monkey
    Gigantic Crack: Chop & Styx
    Legend Of The Drunken Bastards: Xui Tan Sour
    Revengeance Day: Lucy Cannon
    Complete the mini-series for Candi Roll and Captain Won Ton to unlock their alternate costume.
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