While speaking with io9 , director Frank Darabont mentioned how Take Two apparently threatened to sue him over his upcoming TV show “L.A. Noir.”
“Yes, it was going to be called L.A. Noir , based on the book by John Buntin. But the video game company with the video game called L.A. Noire (with an e!) threatened to sue the sh*t out of me, TNT, every company that actually ever worked in Hollywood. And they have the billions of dollars to back it up, apparently. So we’re changing the title, and I do believe the title is going to be Lost Angels . This is being announced right here. It’s a very, very cool show. It’s [set in] 1947 LA and it stars my very dear friend Jon Bernthal, whom I worked with on The Walking Dead who is now free of that…”
I can see where Take Two is coming from. I can imagine both the game and TV show would be incredibly similar.
According to Kotaku , Take Two denied such a thing ever happened.
“Rockstar PR deferred to their publisher, Take-Two, whose spokesperson Alan Lewis said: ‘It’s unfortunate that Mr. Darabont finds it necessary to gain publicity by making inaccurate statements – Take-Two never contacted Mr. Darabont nor threatened to sue any party. The facts are that Take-Two reached out to Turner to express concern over confusion between the properties and they responded that they had decided to change the title of the show independent of Take-Two’s concerns.'”
So it’s become a matter of “he said/she said.”