



Last Call Coming Up for the DSi Shop

Last Call Coming Up for the DSi Shop

Closing time, people! It’s the end of an era. Remember Nintendo’s DSi? It was the slightly updated version of the DS that had a camera, online shop with downloadable games, and basically helped pave the way for the Nintendo 3DS? Well, its online store is going to be closing soon. This is the last call.

The DSi Shop allowed people to go online to purchase DSiWare for their systems. Quite a few unique games appeared there, and the first part of the three-part plan to take it offline has begun. On September 30, we can’t add money to the shop anymore. That function goes away, which means no more filling a wallet with DSi Points so you can buy games.

The second part of this comes on March 31, 2017. That’s when we won’t be able to purchase games from the DSi Shop anymore. That means you get six months to spend your remaining money on anything that might appeal to you. You know, games like Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again, Digidrive, A Kappa’s Trail, Pictobits, Mighty Milky Way, or Dragon Quest Wars.

Nintendo still hasn’t mentioned the final part of the DSi Shop shutdown, which is the removal of the ability to redownload purchased software. That will absolutely happen eventually, so it might be wise to go ahead and transfer your DSiWare games to your 3DS sooner, rather than later.

Source: Nintendo

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