



LEGO Universe Goes Free-To-Play

LEGO Universe Goes Free-To-Play


“Free-to-Play” is still a buzz-phrase in the MMO world these days, and more and more MMOs are joining the free-to-play revolution. Next to join is LEGO Universe, the family friendly MMO that is one part Minecraft, one part World of Warcraft. As of today, players can join up in the new free to play zone for absolutely nothing. Obviously, this zone has limited content, including only two adventure zones and one player property area. Players will only be able to collect up to 10,000 coins as well.

However, at any time, players can choose to upgrade to a full account for a mere ten dollars a month. Doing so will grant them full game access, including all 15+ adventure zones, all instances, limitless property caps, 5+ property worlds, and all the expansions.

The game is available for digital download at the official LEGO Universe website. Right now, it seems as if it’s only a matter of time before every MMO adopts the free-to-play business model, which is a great thing for MMO addicts that just don’t have the money to feed their habit.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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