



Lost: Via Domus Hands-On Preview for PlayStation 3

Lost: Via Domus Hands-On Preview for PlayStation 3

Lost: Via Domus Set To Offer An Experience That’d Make The Dharma Initiative Proud

February 1, 2008 – Upon arriving at a recent Ubisoft-hosted press event in NYC, we found ourselves struck with a sudden sense of trepidation; we were about to play a video game based on one of our all-time beloved television series, ABC’s serialized drama Lost.

Lost: Via Domus screenshot

As a general rule, movie and television properties adapted into games are about as entertaining as that paper-towel-that-could-absorb-the-red-sea infomercial. Not to mention Lost’s myth-heavy narrative and twist-at-every-turn plots don’t exactly scream great gaming. So this double-edged sword–or maybe in this case a double-sided Mr. Ecko Jesus stick–haunted us prior to experiencing our own personal plane crash on Oceanic Flight 815.

Shortly after our playable passenger awoke from the impact and slowly opened his eyes to a sunlight-filtered jungle–just like Dr. Jack did in Lost’s pilot–we realized we were no longer in comfy chairs in some posh penthouse provided by Ubi’s deep-pocketed execs, but were instead among the castaways of Lost; all apprehensions quickly faded as we found ourselves struggling to make sense of the chaos surrounding us. We quickly got the main character to his feet, and began frantically searching the wreckage for answers, clues, anything. You see, as it turns out, our unlucky survivor, named Elliot, has amnesia, so he’s gonna need all the help he can get to unravel his own mysterious past as well as the island’s. While staggering through the debris-cluttered beach–which, by the way, looks near photo-realistic to its televised counterpart–we spot Kate. We approach her, hoping she’ll offer some help or guidance, but the still protective and paranoid fugitive isn’t too friendly.

This Kate encounter moves us into our first gameplay experience; seeing Kate triggers a flashback where we see her boarding the plane prior to take off. In this scene, and many other playable flashbacks, gamers need to find clues and capture them with their camera (Elliot just happens to be a photojournalist). In this particular flashback, a picture of Kate in cuffs will suffice, effectively unlocking this memory in Elliot’s mind. We now possess a bargaining chip in knowing of Kate’s incarceration; we try approaching her again, and she sings a much friendlier tune, unlocking our next objective. This type of play is indicative of how you’ll use the flashbacks; unlock a memory from the past and it should help your progress on the island

Lost: Via Domus screenshot

En route to our next objective, tracking down the good Dr. Jack Shepard, we encountered a more heart-racing event. Turns out if you meander too long in the jungle, the smoke monster will take notice and give chase. Like the show, you’ll first hear the terrifying sounds and see the trampled brush preceding the coming danger, but unlike the televised fantasy, it’s now the player’s personal responsibility to out-run the island’s enigmatic security system. This means hoofin’ it through the jungle while jumping over rocks and debris, sliding under fallen trees and navigating some unsteady, swamp land. The luckiest jungle dwellers will discover a nature-made bamboo-like cage to take cover in until smokey gets bored and looks to torment another confused soul.

Despite Lost being an adventure game, it packs its share of action, including these romps through the brush with smokey, as well as gunfire exchanges with the Others. In addition to the pulse-pounding moments and playable flashbacks, console castaways will also encounter a number of puzzles; this is Lost, after all, so cracking secrets is a big part of the fun. Puzzle-pursuing players will find themselves exploring the island’s many locations–from the show as well as some brand new ones; expect to visit the black rock, punch the numbers in the hatch, and explore the medical facility where Ethan took Claire for “observation.” It’s actually the game’s faithful representation of these show-specific locations, as well as the cast member likenesses and voices, that make this game so incredibly cool for fans. Additionally, interacting with the likes of John Locke–who may offer boar hunting tips and tracking advice–or Sayid–who’s got your back for tech advice–is incredibly immersive and satisfying.

Lost: Via Domus screenshot

Working closely with show-runners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindleof, the developers have ensured that Lost is consistent with the series’ sacred canon; anything in the game had to be approved by Cuse and Linleof, so fans needn’t worry that their prized property has been tampered with inappropriately. In fact, the collaboration between the devs and the show-runners went so far as to include cool fan-service-paying call-outs. Check out the ceiling of the Swan hatch, for example, if you wish to see former hatch-dweller Radinzky’s splattered brains. Doing so will actually unlock some 360 Achievement points (concept art and other unlockables are opened on the PS3 and PC versions). The Lost world is filled with these types of Easter eggs; tracking down the infamous numbers unlocks its own reward, as does finding Hurley’s VW van.

The title also breaks from traditional game design with a cool nod to the show by separating the gameplay into episodes, beginning each one with a TV-like “previously on Lost”–very cool! Also, keeping with the series’ edge-of-your-seat vibe, expect each episode to conclude with a “holy sh*t!” cliffhanger. The unique action/adventure/puzzling gameplay, the cool show-specific call-outs, and, most of all, the incredible presentation of the show and its characters, combine to make a must-play experience for anyone who’s already counting the hours to Season 4. Of course, if you’re not a Lostie (what the hell is your issue), you’re still in for a top-notch story-driven adventure. Either way, you can catch Lost: Via Domus when it crash lands on consoles and PCs late this February.

Game Features:

  • Play as a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815: Confront your dark past, seek your redemption, and ultimately find a way home.
  • Authentic ‘Lost’ experience: Explore familiar locations, unravel mysteries, and interact with the main characters from the show.
  • Survive the challenges that the island throws at you: Solve puzzles, outsmart enemies, battle the smoke monster, and overcome many other challenges to survive the island and come out alive.

  • The fateful Oceanic Flight 815

    December 26, 2007 – With a hit television program already ruling the airwaves, Lost now seeks to bring its puzzling premise to gamers everywhere. Similar to the show, the game is shrouded in mystery; not much is known up to this point. With the new season coming shortly and the game soon to follow, one can only wonder whether any new secrets will be revealed through the game’s storyline. How will it coordinate with the show, and what kind of adventure can gamers expect? Only the future contains the answers to these questions, but it is almost certain that for every revelation that takes place, even more questions will rise in their wake.

    Lost: The Video Game screenshot

    Any fan of the show will tell you that although the constant questions keep them tuned in week after week, and they are also the source of endless frustration. For example, who the heck is Jacob? Why is there a black mist with red eyes floating around? And what is the island really saying to John Locke? That guy is nuts. Hopefully the game will help erase some of the clouds surrounding these pivotal turns while also developing plot points that have not been explored yet.

    From what little information I was able to dig up, it does seem that the game will coincide with what the show has already laid out, but more importantly it will revolve around an all new character. With a new character added to the mix, the sky is the limit to where the developers can take the already intricate plot. More importantly, even super fans of the show will be unfamiliar with what they are about to face. The plot line will start in the original season of the show and go all the way through the end of season three. Thus whatever is introduced in the upcoming season will not be addressed here. Damn you, JJ Abrahams and your amazing abilities to keep things shrouded in secrecy.

    Lost: The Video Game screenshot

    With the plot still more than a little murky, we’ll focus on what we do know more about. From what the trailer displayed earlier this year, Lost will visually represent its source material more than competently. It also seems apparent that much of the game will revolve around interacting with the current cast; it will be interesting to see if they contracted all the actors to do their own voice work. From a gameplay standpoint, it will more than likely mirror the action of the show, combining exploring elements with puzzle and combat – which should make for a good mix provided the game is paced a little better than its predecessor. One important question is how they will incorporate the flashbacks, since they have such an integral role in the show itself. Maybe they will leave the character’s past in the dark and use him in future television episodes.

    Lost is and will always be a mystery to most. I have a feeling even after the show airs its ultimate series finale, fans will still be clamoring for more answers. This game will hopefully provide the purists out there with enough to satisfy their over-active imaginations. With so few details available right now, my only wish is that the game turns out to be more than just a great license wasted on another lousy game.

    Lost: The Video Game screenshot


  • As one of the many survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, try to discover the secrets of your past while unraveling the mysteries of the island.
  • Confront your past in order to escape your fate and find salvation.
  • Solve puzzles, fight off the others, and go head to head with the infamous smoke monster.

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