



LotRO Expands Into Rohan

LotRO Expands Into Rohan


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine have announced today that a new expansion will be coming to The Lord of the Rings Online. The expansion will be called Riders of Rohan, and its official announcement has confirmed rumors that have been flying around the LOTRO community ever since ridersofrohan.com was discovered by fans years ago.

The expansion will bring several new features to the game including an increased level cap, an expanded world, and several new quests to undertake. The game’s landscape will expand into the plains of Rohan including locations such as Amon Hen and Fangorn Forest. Perhaps most exciting of all, the expansion will also include a brand new mounted combat system, something that fans have been asking for since practically when the game first released.

Riders of Rohan will launch in Fall 2012, though an official date of release has not yet been established.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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