



Mass Effect 3 Will Not Have PC Gamepad Support

Mass Effect 3 Will Not Have PC Gamepad Support


If you’re a PC gamer who was hoping to break out your favorite gamepad to fight the Reapers in Mass Effect 3, I have some bad news; it’s probably going to stay under that pile of clothes in your closet. BioWare just didn’t have time to include gamepad support.

In a Twitter conversion this week, senior designer Manveer Heir explained that the developers were far too overstretched to complete the controller integration for ME3. “It may seem minor,” he said, “but our GUI team was already stretched thin, and things were coming in at the last minute, so we couldn’t add more work.”

He also explained that he understands the consumer’s frustration “Definitely not ‘we don’t give a damn’,” Heir said. “It’s unfortunate and I understand why people are upset, but there are dev realities, sadly.”

Obviously, the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will have gamepad support, but each system offers it’s own little problematic intricacies. And with the release date approaching quickly, it’s understandable that BioWare might have to start paring down there workload accordingly.

Mass Effect 3 is heading to your favorite retailer on March 6.

By Josh Engen

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