



Mass Effect: Andromeda Gets Another Big Patch

Mass Effect: Andromeda Gets Another Big Patch

BioWare recently released a new patch for Mass Effect: Andromeda that seem to fix tons of major issues. One of the biggest being the cut scenes. The developer has been trying to improve the animations since the game has launched, and here are the results of some of those fixes. This patch focuses on the cinematics at the beginning of the game.

It’s one of many changes. BioWare pointed out two other big fixes. One is a change that fixes SAM repeatedly telling Ryder they have a new email. The other relates to conversation options that are not “greyed out” anymore when people still have new things to say.

There are tons of other fixes in this most recent patch but I’ll go over a few quickly. Singleplayer difficulty will no longer affect multiplayer. Subtitles are more legible. The maximum Nexus level was upped to 29. Players animations will no longer get stuck when they jump or change direction many times in a row. You can now toggle motion blur and depth of field in the graphics settings. Finally, few crashes were also fixed.

Apart from all these bug fixes, the most recent Mass Effect: Andromeda patch also includes something special for owners of the Deluxe or Super Deluxe edition of the game. These players will get two custom Nomad skins, a casual Pathfinder outfit, and a multiplayer pack that has a high chance of getting an ultra-rare item.

One last little Mass Effect: Andromeda blip on the radar we’d like to share is the fact that the series has been put on indefinite hold by EA. This entry was a huge let-down, and the publisher is being rightly cautious about the series future. Many of the Ubisoft developers are being moved to the new “live service” IP that the company is working on. Only time will tell if Mass Effect can recover from Andromeda .

Source: BioWare Blog & Eurogamer

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