Medal Of Honor
Tier One (Time Attack) mode
Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock Tier One (Time Attack) mode.
Multiplayer weapons and accessories
Get the indicated number of points with the listed class in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding weapons or accessory upgrade:
Rifleman: Coalition
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | M164A Assault Rifle |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Red Dot Sight |
4 | Veteran | 500 | M249 Light Machine Gun |
5 | Operator | 800 | Suppressor |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Open-Tip Ammunition |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | Combat Shotgun |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Muzzle Brake |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | F2000 Assault Rifle |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran M16A4 Assault Rifle |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran M249 Light Machine Gun |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | AK-47 Assault Rifle |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | PKM Light Machine Gun |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Rifleman: OPFOR
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | AK-47 Assault Rifle |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Red Dot Sight |
4 | Veteran | 500 | PKM Light Machine Gun |
5 | Operator | 800 | Suppressor |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Open-tip Ammunition |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | Combat Scope |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Muzzle Brake |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | F2000 Assault Rifle |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran AK-47 Assault Rifle |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran PKM Assault Rifle |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | M16A4 Machine Gun |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | M249 Light Machine Gun |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Special Ops: Coalition
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | M4A1 Carbine |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Red Dot Sight |
4 | Veteran | 500 | 870MCS Combat Shotgun |
5 | Operator | 800 | Suppressor |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Shotgun Slugs/Open-tip Ammo |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | Combat Scope |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Laser Sight |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | P90 PDW |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran M4A1 Carbine |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran 870MCS Combat Shotgun |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | AKS-74U Carbine |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | TOZ-194 Combat Shotgun |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Special Ops: OPFOR
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | AKS-74U Carbine |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Red Dot Sight |
4 | Veteran | 500 | TOZ-194 Combat Shotgun |
5 | Operator | 800 | Suppressor |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Shotgun Slugs/Open-Tip Ammunition |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | Combat Scope |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Laser Sight |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | P90 PDW |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran AKS-74U Carbine |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran TOZ-194 Combat Shotgun |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | M4A1 Carbine |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | 870MCS Combat Shotgun |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Sniper: Coalition
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | M21 Battle Rifle |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Combat Scope |
4 | Veteran | 500 | M24 Sniper Rifle |
5 | Operator | 800 | Rangefinder |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Open-Tip Ammunition |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | High Power Scope |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Suppressor |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | G3 Battle Rifle |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran M21 Battle Rifle |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran M24 Sniper Rifle |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | SVD Battle Rifle |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | SV-98 Sniper Rifle |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Sniper: OPFOR
Level | Rank | Points | Unlock |
1 | Recruit | 0 | SVD Battle Rifle |
2 | Regular | 250 | Extra Magazine |
3 | Expert | 350 | Combat Scope |
4 | Veteran | 500 | SV-98 Sniper Rifle |
5 | Operator | 800 | Rangefinder |
6 | Commander | 1,100 | Open-Tip Ammunition |
7 | Elite | 1,500 | High Power Scope |
8 | Tier 1 Recruit | 2,000 | Suppressor |
9 | Tier 1 Regular | 2,400 | G3 Battle Rifle |
10 | Tier 1 Expert | 2,800 | Veteran SVD Battle Rifle |
11 | Tier 1 Veteran | 3,200 | Veteran SV-98 Sniper Rifle |
12 | Tier 1 Operator | 3,600 | M21 Battle Rifle |
13 | Tier 1 Commander | 4,000 | Pistol Ammo |
14 | Tier 1 Elite | 4,400 | M24 Sniper Rifle |
15 | Tier 1 Warfighter | 4,8000 | Extra Grenade |
Easy “Fear The Reaper” trophy
Easy “It Takes A Village…Out” trophy
There seems to be a glitch where you do not get the trophy if you play on the Easy or Normal difficulty. However, just destroy as many building as possible on the Hard difficulty, and you should get the “It Takes A Village…Out” trophy.
Easy “Manic Suppression” trophy
Easy “The Quiet Professional” trophy
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Multiplayer: First Rotation (Bronze): Play online for 15 minutes.
- Multiplayer: Tour of Duty (Bronze): Play online for 2 hours.
- Multiplayer: Heavy Fire Support (Bronze): Fire 1,000 bullets in a round (awarded at end of round).
- Multiplayer: Boot Camp (Bronze): Play once as each class (min 2 min).
- Multiplayer: Mission Training (Bronze): Play Combat Mission.
- Multiplayer: Assault Training (Bronze): Play Team Assault.
- Multiplayer: Secure Training (Bronze): Play Sector Control.
- Multiplayer: Raid Training (Bronze): Play Objective Raid.
- Multiplayer: Enlisted (Bronze): Reach level 2 in any class.
- Multiplayer: Veteran (Bronze): Reach level 4 in any class.
- Multiplayer: Triple Canopy (Bronze): Reach level 8 in one class.
- Multiplayer: Mission Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Combat Mission.
- Multiplayer: Assault Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Team Assault.
- Multiplayer: Secure Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Sector Control.
- Multiplayer: Raid Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Objective Raid.
- Multiplayer: Forward Spotter (Bronze): Deploy a missile strike support action (award at end of round).
- First Incision (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete First In.
- Welcome to the TOC (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Breaking Bagram.
- Develop the Situation (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Running with Wolves….
- Unexpected Guests (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Dorothy’s a Bitch.
- Full Battle Rattle (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Belly of the Beast.
- Bad Guy Jamboree (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Gunfighters.
- Friends From Afar (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Friends From Afar.
- Cliffhanger… (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Compromised.
- S.E.R.E. (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Neptune’s Net.
- Eight Heroes Aboard (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Rescue the Rescuers.
- The Sledgehammer (Bronze): Singleplayer: in Breaking Bagram, destroy 2 vehicles with Single 2000 lb Laser Guided Bomb.
- Dropping Deuce (Bronze): Singlelpayer: Jump 7.5 meters on the ATV.
- Feeding the Pig (Bronze): Singleplayer: In Compromised, get 15 kills with M60.
- The Battle is Won… (Bronze): Singlepalyer: Finish the game on Easy, Normal or Hard.
- The Scalpel (Bronze): Singleplayer: Achieve 20 total knife kills.
- Pistol Pete Showdown (Bronze): Singleplayer: Get a total of 30 pistol kills.
- Right in the Grape… (Bronze): Singleplayer: Get 7 headshots in a row with any weapon except the long range sniper rifle.
- Crowd Control (Bronze): Singleplayer: Kill 5 enemies at once with a single hand grenade.
- Rangers Lead the way (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Dante’s missions.
- Never Quit (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Rabbit’s missions.
- Have a Good One (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Deuce’s missions.
- Multiplayer: Fire Controller (Silver): Use each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round).
- Multiplayer: Quartermaster (Silver): Get 1,000 support points.
- Multiplayer: Tier 1 (Silver): Reach top level in one class.
- Smooth Operator (Silver): Singleplayer: In First In, Kill the Hostage Taker With a Head Shot.
- Fear the Reaper (Silver): Singleplayer: In Dorothy’s a Bitch, destroy the entire AQ Camp with AC-130.
- Manic Suppression (Silver): Singleplayer: In Belly of the Beast, defeat DShK in under two minutes.
- It Takes A Village…Out (Silver): Singleplayer: Destroy 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village.
- Like a Surgeon (Silver): Singleplayer: While long range sniping, hit one of every body part.
- The Quiet Professional (Silver): Singleplayer: In Neptune’s Net, eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone.
- Timber! (Silver): Singleplayer: In Rescue the Rescuers, chop down 5 trees with the Minigun.
- …But the War Rages On (Silver): Singleplayer: Finish the game on Hard.
- Multiplayer: High Achiever (Gold): Be top 3 on the scoreboard ten times.
- Conspicuous Gallantry (Gold): Singleplayer: Finish every level in the game on Tier 1 mode under par time.
- Medal Of Honor Tier 1 (Platinum): Obtain all campaign and online trophies.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.