



Megaman 10 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Megaman 10 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Megaman 10

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Note: This game is also titled Rockman 10 .

Hard mode

Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty.

Challenge options

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding type of challenge in Challenge mode:

    Easy Boss challenges: Reach the Boss on the Easy difficulty.
    Easy Mini Boss challenges: Reach the Mini Boss on the Easy or Normal difficulty.
    Normal Boss challenges: Reach the Boss on the Normal difficulty.
    Normal Mini Boss challenges: Reach the Mini Boss on the Normal difficulty.
    Hard Boss challenges: Reach the Boss on the Hard difficulty.
    Hard Mini Boss challenges: Reach the Mini Boss on the Hard difficulty.


Successfully complete the indicated task in Story mode to unlock the corresponding challenge in Challenge mode:

    Blade E: Reach Blade Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Blade H: Reach Blade Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Blade N: Reach Blade Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Block Devil E: Reach Block Devil on the Easy difficulty.
    Block Devil H: Reach Block Devil on the Hard difficulty.
    Block Devil N: Reach Block Devil on the Normal difficulty.
    Chill E: Reach Chill Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Chill H: Reach Chill Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Chill N: Reach Chill Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Commando E: Reach Commando Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Commando H: Reach Commando Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Commando N: Reach Commando Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Crab Puncher E: Reach Crab Puncher on the Easy difficulty.
    Crab Puncher H: Reach Crab Puncher on the Hard difficulty.
    Crab Puncher N: Reach Crab Puncher on the Normal difficulty.
    Nitro E: Reach Nitro Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Nitro H: Reach Nitro Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Nitro N: Reach Nitro Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Octobulb H: Reach Octobulb (Sheep Man stage) on the Hard difficulty.
    Pump E: Reach Pump Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Pump H: Reach Pump Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Pump N: Reach Pump Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Sheep E: Reach Sheep Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Sheep H: Reach Sheep Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Sheep N: Reach Sheep Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Solar E: Reach Solar Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Solar H: Reach Solar Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Solar N: Reach Solar Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Strike E: Reach Strike Man on the Easy difficulty.
    Strike H: Reach Strike Man on the Hard difficulty.
    Strike N: Reach Strike Man on the Normal difficulty.
    Suzak and Fenix H: Reach Suzak and Fenix (Solar Man Stage) on the Hard difficulty.
    The Keeper H: Reach The Keeper Man (Strike Man Stage) on the Hard difficulty.
    TriCastle H: Reach TriCastle (Blade Man Stage) on the Hard difficulty.
    W Archive E: Reach the first Wily Archive on the Easy difficulty.
    W Archive H: Reach the first Wily Archive on the Hard difficulty.
    W Archive N: Reach the first Wily Archive on the Normal difficulty.
    Wily Capsule E: Reach Wily Capsule on the Easy difficulty.
    Wily Capsule H: Reach Wily Capsule on the Hard difficulty.
    Wily Capsule N: Reach Wily Capsule on the Normal difficulty.
    Wily Machine E: Reach Wily Machine on the Easy difficulty.
    Wily Machine H: Reach Wily Machine on the Hard difficulty.
    Wily Machine N: Reach Wily Machine on the Normal difficulty.

Recommended Boss order

Defeat the Bosses in the following order with the indicated attack:

    Sheep Man (use Mega Buster)
    Pump Man (use Electric Wool)
    Solar Man (use Water Shield)
    Chill Man (use Solar Blaze)
    Nitro Man (use Chill Spike)
    Commando Man (use Wheel Cutter)
    Blade Man (use Commando Bomb)
    Strike Man (use Triple Blade)


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Whomp Wily! (5 points): Clear the game once.
    Blue Bomber (10 points): Clear the game in under an hour.
    Superhero (10 points): Clear the game on HARD.
    Hard Rock (20 points): Make it to a boss room without getting damaged.
    Headbanging (20 points): Defeat the 8 bosses without your helmet on.
    Destroyer (20 points): Defeat 1000 enemies.
    World Warrior (5 points): Defeat one of every type of enemy.
    Trusty Sidearm (20 points): Defeat the 8 bosses with just your default weapon.
    No Coffee Break (10 points): Clear the game without using any energy, mystery, or weapon tanks.
    Tenacious (20 points): Clear the game without continuing.
    Invincible (30 points): Clear the game without dying.
    Mr. Perfect (30 points): Clear the game without getting damaged.
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